Seems a good time to remind you of some of the Christmas resources I have floating about. There is the Christmas Crafts section on here but I am slowly moving some of those on to Simple Crafts so they are easier to find. There are also lots of new crafts on there too including this […]
It's like, fashion, right?
Being a bear of very little style, my children get most of their fashion sense from Groovy Girls and friends, most noticeably the daughters of my lovely arty real life friend Zoe (who has a mean art blog these days!) Zoe's girls have style in clothes and artistic ability and my girls love both theirchandmedowns […]
That moment.
When programmes celebrating the past decades come up on television, the things that make me ooh and aah are often the brand names on the shop shelves of bygone shops; products in packaging once so familiar, which reprise in more modern form in our cupboards now. Custard powder packets, golden syrup, soaps and cleaning products, […]
Just educatin'… with a Twinkl.
Some weeks have a pleasant groove and this was one of them. I used to write posts where it felt like we did this much in a day; these days we mostly go at a slower pace and while it might seem like less is achieved in some ways, so much comes out of the […]
I had a good day today, being among friends and educating the kids, but for some reason gloom settled over me just before I left. I'm not sure where it came from, perhaps the straggly edges of a conversation I couldn't quite deal with, or perhaps the sound of carols and talk of christmas. Perhaps […]
Zoology in Cambridge
While Max was having his eyes sucked and burned off (I probably shouldn’t have read the description of surgery on the way down to him having it done) we went to the Zoological Museum to distract ourselves. This was quite difficult actually as I was mentally planning how I was going to run the family […]
Sponsored Video: Design a Natwest Pig.
I think all of our generation must remember the Natwest pigs, their adverts and the tremendous desire to collect them they provoked, I don’t think it can just have been me anyway, I know I was devastated that my parents wouldn’t move my (paltry) savings to Natwest so that I too could have a family […]
The in a minute mummy
Dear Bene, You are nine months old. I'm so late with this post. Again. I fear this is the way it will go on now. To be honest though, little fella, I think I've been avoiding this one. I remember writing a post to your brother when he should have been nine months, it was […]
Shameless Pimp.
A friend has kindly nominated my blog here You can vote once a day apparently, no sign up, just click a button. I’d be very grateful if you would, just so I don’t come bottom! (I’m pending approval for 24hrs! Sounds quite appealing )
Making Poppies for Remembrance Day & other Autumn crafts.
We dipped into Remembrance Day crafts again today, ready for spending some time on World War work on Thursday and Friday. We’ve covered this a fair bit over the last two years and so it was easy to pick up the threads of previous work, especially as Fran has been doing WW1 recently too. We […]
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