I’m properly proud of this, as it’s my first ever completed baby clothing item and I think it came out okay too. Ben’s is still waiting to be made up but I wanted to get Nina’s in the post so I finished hers off first.
That’s Ben’s on the right. I think I liked the yarn more in the ball than I do knitted, but it’s fairly sweet so he’ll get to wear it for a while. Then he’ll get the one I hope to make for Kit handed down too 🙂 I’m rather gutted he’s now grown out of the lovely hand knits he was given as newborn gifts.
Nina’s is a pink crafters Sirdar baby yarn in double knit. The pattern is 1255. It’s an easy knit pattern, though I needed a few pointers and did not enjoy picking up the border. The buttonholes seemed a bit random too really. Still, it was easy and quick to knit and hopefully it will fit. I’m still slightly dubious about the way the front lay when made up but I hope it will be okay.
I’m most proud of the inside actually. I finished it all off fairly properly. I think it’ll hold okay and at least it looks neat, which is not my forte!
I need to practise the button panel as I really lost my grip of what I was doing. They aren’t quite even, which is annoying, but it’s a quirky auntie knit 🙂 😉
Here it is modelled by Amelie’s lovely Rubens Barn doll. I’m mildly dubious about the side to her left but we’ll see when Nina tries it on :/
Anyway. I made it and it was just about good enough to send I think, so I’m feeling proud.
The yarns cute anyway. When I knitted Ben’s I got all anxious about the fact that the pattern is knitted with sleeves and front panels deliberately not matching. I must have still been in control freak mode then as I couldn’t do it. Then I intended to knit Nina’s mismatched but accidentally managed to make them match perfectly just by coincidence. So I had to match the sleeves too. Next time I’ll try quirky 😉
Edited to add: Nina likes it!
It looks fantastic! Very jealous that you have found time to knit, I haven’t had a chance to pick up my needles since Ethan arrived and am itching to get on with my projects. I tried knitting with him in the sling but couldn’t see my hands properly!
Love them. I do like the self patterning wool. Am hugely envious of your borders though. I just cannot seem to get the pick up and knit bit right and end up undoing it so many times that the edges become ragged. My Mum says that my Granny, a prolific, knitter, sewer, crocheter (are those real words?!! )… anyway she how made things all the time and never picked up and knitted borders but did the separately and stitched them on. I’ve tried doing that too but can’t get the sizing right. Im attempting a borderless cardigan for me at the moment, all in knit and so much easier!
I loathed doing it!
lovely! it looks great – and very tidy inside – well done on that. I used to hate making things up, but I like it more now that I block my knits… the purl bee and knitty (and other places) have some good tips on weaving in ends, and finishing off…
For baby knits I tend to knit both sleeves and both fronts at the same time (two balls of yarn, but on the same needle). This means you never get into any bother getting the lengths or shapings to match! There are some useful rules of thumb about picking up stitches, something like picking up 3 for every 4 rows, but 1) I cant exactly remember what it is and 2) I cant remember where it comes from – Elizabeth Zimmerman perhaps? Ravelry is sure to have the answer!
I tried that but I kept forgetting to swap balls. Next time I might use three needles though.
I think they’re lovely.
I am so impressed!
Ah, Nina LOVES it! I love self striping yarn, and i’m very impressed that yours all match across the front and the sleeves. Was it tricky to get it to do that? Thanks for FIFing and lovely inclusion in Top 10. You’re my inspiration x