I’m finding this “working mum” thing a bit of a mixed blessing. I do like having the unit and i certainly love having it all out of my house, i do like having separate time for work and home and i can safely say that it works better for all of us. I do like having me time and a little domain of my own and i think the kids appreciate the delineation of our lives. And it goes without saying that i like the fact that our lives are more flexible, i can take a day off for a birthday and they all see more of Max, even if i probably don’t.
I have to say though i am having some difficulty adapting to having a “working life” and perhaps being, for the first time, a a person who really is “my own boss”. Working in a business environment for the first time in a very long time, i am beginning to see how hard i find it to focus. All sorts of things bother me and stop me concentrating on one thing but most of all i think i get there and it takes me a while for my mind to get into “work gear” and start formulating a plan for the day; i seem fritter away time on small things and not see a bigger picture. I’m struggling to be my own boss, especially now i have time to be it! I think i was better at shoe-horning it all into tiny spaces of time.
Part of it is that it is actually time off, i get to relax slightly and stop being Mummy. I’ve forgotten how to be a working person, how to have a plan for the day and a structure. If anyone has any ideas on how to make this work better, how to get into a more professional frame of mind, i’d be grateful for it.
got tons – do it every day – chat at the weekend? 🙂 x
that sounded dead smug – but less smug in my head – meant in a good way not in a ‘I do it every day and you’re crap’ way
ah sisters are fab, I wish I had one
Can imagine it is hard, tbh. I’m not my own boss when I go to work, so haven’t got to get my head round it, iyswim, so I’m probably no help …
Flylady would say don’t leave at the end of the day without planning what you’re going to do the next time you arrive. That way you’re planning your day when you’re already “in the zone”, so to speak, and you don’t have that looking-around-with-no-idea-where-to-start part of the day.