Wantec to brand up my fimo ideas blog a bit better before i go for it, so had Meg do me a logo. She’s come up with this, which i really like. What do you think?
I really wanted something different and more personal to me so i don’t get sick of the whole beadmerrily brand-y thing. Even though this site will support BM, i’d like it to have it’s own identity too.
Amanda says
I like the sunflower!
Alison says
Don’t like the tilda/hyphen between Fimo and Ideas at all. That would annoy me every time I saw it.
And sunflowers are pretty (and I know you like them, which is a good enough reason to keep it) but they don’t make me think of modelling clay, lol!
merry says
Grin… the dash (which is what it needs to be) made it look like a tabletop 😆
By the time i’ve made a few more sunflowers.. the WORLD will think of fimo when they see them 😉
Lin says
Very bright and cheerful. 🙂
Not overly keen on the hyphen either though but can’t explain why.
merry says
They don’t. I just like sunflowers and this isn’t so much a business as an merry entertainment site 😉
I’m going to have to change the wiggle now; it has started to make it look like it says Fi Mould Ears.
I should just shut up and not suggest things to Meg really 🙂
Debbie says
I don’t really get what sunflowers have to do with modelling clay. I know I’m slow…
merry says
Oh gosh, now it feels like spread!
Debbie says
Right. Then it looks great. Makes me think of nourishing food. I’m hungry now 😐
Nic says
sunflowers are fine but make a fimo one as the logo and then it all ties in?
DaddyBean says
Hmm, I did sort of think it felt a bit like logo for sunflower margarine even before I read the comments (Fimo on your toast?). Very good logo, but doesn’t at all say anything remotely Fimo-ish to me