Today, following a 2lb loss this week, i am 1 stone lighter than i was on Christmas Eve. This is a huge achievement for me because it means that i have now maintained a weight for several weeks that i haven’t been since before i had Amelie. I was really slim (for me! lol!) when i got pregnant with her and i let it slide terribly during that pregnancy. I only have to get down another 3lbs and i’ll be back in the 12-stone-somethings and that might still seem a lot for most people, but for me it will be the most massive psychological barrier, especially as it will be at just the start of a summer of walking and enjoying salady teas. I always eat better when it is warm and light and i’m enjoying camping and stuff.
Perhaps even more importantly for me, given i care most about my long term health more than how i look, my BMI today is 32.well… point something But that is a heck of a lot better than 35. I may still be in the obese category (although i think that is mildly unfair!) but i’m not as unhealthy as i was. And my backache is gone, my knees are feeling happier and when i look in the mirror i see the glimmer of the face i enjoy grinning with. To have reached that point in just 11 weeks of effort feels really great, to know that by the end of a nice long summer i should be in the 11-stone-somethings is motivation all on its own.
I am SO proud of myself. On friday Fran looked at me and said “that t-shirt is shaggy on you now!” and someone at group told me i was “disappearing!” Amelie has stopped asking me if i was fat when i was a little girl, Maddy said my tummy isn’t so big. Everyone is noticing and Max (who is a mere shadow of his former self at almost 2 stone less!) is just being so encouraging and supportive. Knowing that 8 years of having 4 children and breastfeeding is over but that actually the damage today is only 4lbs more than the day i got pregnant with Fran feels like a reasonable achievement. I’ve never been skinny, i never will be but i’ve been slimmer than this after i had Maddy and i know i can be again.
Roll on the 12-stone-somethings. Roll on the summer. Roll on buying size 14’s. The size 16s that i squeezed into the day after the Toy Fair are almost too big now
woo hoo, that’s really brilliant
Wow – well done, Merry
That’s really good going, especially through the cold winter months. I know exactly what you mean about eating better in the summer than the winter.
So, just think about all those lovely new summer clothes you’re going to be able to buy to show off your new figure.
Oh, well done you! I’m down about 8 lbs – though much of that is due to a week’s illness, but it’s stayed off for a further week now, so here’s hoping. Must ping you at some point to discuss tactics
Good for you! The long term benefits are immense!
Wow well done, you should be proud of yourself, I always put weight on in the winter, roll on the good weather.
Oh way to go you! Well done Merry, I’m very proud of you
Well done Merry. I have lost a lot since Christmas as well and am now getting into 14’s again. It is so nice to be able to bend and not trap my stomach lol. I don’t want to be Twiggy. Just someone who looks like she has had 7 kids but not a blob. Its a great confidence boost isn’t it?
Hey, well done! I’m really enjoying watching Jim go through the same process – I’m still getting fatter, me, but I usually find it easy to shed weight, which is very fortunate.
Keep at it!
FAntastic and good on Max for being so supportive too!
Well done Merry :grin:. I wish I had your determination .
So what is 12 stone for us in the states! LOl
Congrats on the weight loss.
Well done Merry, wish I had your will power!
Fantastic! Well done!
If I had only half of your determination and willpower I’d be a very happy woman 
Congratulations! Hopefully I can join you soon (desperately need to shed some pounds – it’s a myth that bfeeing helps, it doesn’t always)