I don’t tend to buy clothes with characters or branding on them. For one I have no knowledge or patience for ‘labels’ and for two, I really object to paying hiked prices for pjs that have a Disney princess on them. My favourite thing recently has been one of the brands that we sell ourselves […]
Everything changes and so do eye.
Get any bunch of mums together (in my experience either within a very short while after pregnancy/birth or a very long time after so the wry humour is left and the need to share horror stories has passed!) and you’ll hear all the tales of how their body changed and the havoc that pregnancy wreaked […]
Editorial: 5 common accidents that happen on holiday
After 5 years of frugal living and holidaying in a safe spot we know and can rely on fulfilling our needs, next year looks like it might be a little different. It’s not that there is much extra money around, but there is a little and we are beginning (some of us!) to be ready […]
Sponsored Post: Baking yourself happy!
I’ve only recently discovered the delights of baking; I’ve tended to avoid it in the past, given I can’t manage not to eat the proceeds and I more or less put on weight by looking at calories. But lately I’ve had an urge to send my children out of the house with something filled with […]
For fear of living dangerously.
The last plane ride I took involved me not quite sobbing for most of the journey and actually weeping for some of it, while simultaneously trying to calm Fran who kept panicking that the call button chime meant disaster was imminent and quell Amelie who wanted detailed explanations of the emergency procedures sign plastered 5 […]
Editorial: Managing Finances
Life is full of challenges, one of the biggest of which is being able to manage our finances! Turn on the news and you can be almost certain that at least one of the stories will concern someone’s money issues, even the UK is battling through a “difficult economic climate”. Of course, no one said […]