I don’t tend to buy clothes with characters or branding on them. For one I have no knowledge or patience for ‘labels’ and for two, I really object to paying hiked prices for pjs that have a Disney princess on them. My favourite thing recently has been one of the brands that we sell ourselves (a craft brand) choosing to mirror non-character kit prices on their Disney kits. I really approve of this.
So my children have grown up devoid of Nike trainers (Amelie has managed to winkle some out of a generous coach she helped) and thinking I’m all principled about them not wearing faces on their t-shirts.
To be honest, I’m yet to find time for that level of being principled, I just mind the cost – and, if I’m honest, the look sometimes, since franchised clothing that is in any way affordable tends to come at a quality cost I can’t be doing with.
However, I do have a little boy with a bit of a superhero obsession – and what can I say? He’s an indulged little wotsit 😉 . I’ve resisted and resisted but then Lamaloli asked me to review some of their items and I succumbed.
I really liked their t-shirt collection for boys, particularly because there were some good bargains to be had and while I’m not a exactly a huge fan of franchise prints, I prefer them to some of the deeply tedious “I’m a rotten horror” type slogans supermarkets seem to put on their boys clothing. And this Mickey top was truly lovely. The fabric is thick and the colour deep and true and the printing very good quality. He loves it and went to nursery today full of wanting to show it off.
And then there were the Spiderman (and Bob the Builder) pyjamas. I got the long sleeved ones so they were a bit more expensive at £12.95, but again they seem lovely quality and the design is great. He’s completely thrilled with them. He’s not 4 till January and I had bought age 5 thinking I would put them aside but he’s had a growth spurt so he got them early (I never expected to end up with TALL children but Bene is – and so is Amelie). The age 5 ones are probably 4-5 in supermarket size – they are generous on him but not huge.
Amelie did express disappointment that there was nothing Minion in the adult ladies sizes and Josie grumbled that girly stuff was a bit pink at times but I’m planning some cute Xmas pile gifts from them this year and I think they’ll go down well.
Also, how cute is my boy? Very cute, that’s what. Look at him. Just look.
In collaboration with Lamaloli.
I feel the same. I’ve always baulked at the prices, but getting second hand clothes for our twins means that sometimes, they get ‘into’ characters that they may never have known about. Plus, it’s difficult to get away from it when they see all their friends wearing clothes with their favourite Disney characters on them.