I keep saying it’s been a funny few weeks here and it has. Not that it matters especially, other than that it has made me think very hard about trying to take better care of myself inside and out. Annoyingly that – and the general lack of time that our life now involves – means that I’m less fit than I’ve been for some time, something only slightly offset by lots of worry meaning I’m also half a stone lighter.
Maddy, Amelie, Josie and I ran Race for life on Tuesday; I’d really looked forward to it as a goal to train towards but in the end I had to make do with just trying to run most of it as best I could. And that was enough I guess. Last time I ran it I was expecting to have a D&C the next day to the apparently failed pregnancy that turned out to be actually a hiding Bene and this time I was mostly concerned with trying to breathe some sanity into a brain that came very close to losing it all together.
But run it we did; Maddy streaked off again and beat me by minutes again, Amelie and Josie ran it with me to just before the end. I nearly passed out with 300m to go but a cheer from my biggest boy and my littlest boy who I hadn’t expected to be there got me over the line.
And sometimes that’s all you can do: keep clawing on, one foot in front of the other, one breath and determined thought at the time, following the stronger people, drawing strength from the people who choose to stay and be there for you.
Me and my team. Bless them.
We didn’t actually achieve sponsorship, although Brioche Pasquier who bought my entry for me are going to add £50, so if you happen to have a spare £ or 2, feel free 🙂 I’ll be adding some too. They also sent me some yummy Pitch rolls, a ready to eat individually wrapped snack. I didn’t get to try them because the children snaffled them to save me from myself!
Thanks. And sorry I’m not really here at the moment.
Very well done 🙂
Thank you so much for the donation Beryl – I really appreciate it xxx
Well done Merry _ and team! Yes, to the one foot in front of the other thing. x