Continuing in my marvellous ‘blogging it for next year’ tradition 😉
This years Easter crafting comes courtesy of our Bostik Bloggers box again. With the girls getting bigger now I either get LOTS of collaboration or none – I need Bene to get a bit bigger and start to want to make things too!

Hot cross bun #bostikbloggers
This time we were having fun with Bostik Glue Dots. Our kit included lots more natural feel crafty bits this time so it was interesting to see how well the dots and pads worked with hessian and wood. We used a solid glue stick for the netting. This bag is for gathering eggs, something we did for the first time in years this year when my sister came over with her tribe. It was lovely to see Josie and Bene enjoying hunting around the house in a gang of little ones and even nicer to be able to hand over egg hunt laying to the big girls!
Maddy made me a lovely card using cake cases – she always thinks of doing sensible stuff like turning them inside out so you see the colour. The wording came from some strips of paper chains which were perfect for adding detail to a card.
Josie enjoyed painting some of the left over bunnies I had from making the kits up to make a field of very bright looking bunnies indeed; they made a perfect Easter scene for a few left over eggs (which didn’t last very long at all once Bene spotted them!)
Some extra Easter cards.
Oh my goodness, the positive joy of a basket full of polystyrene eggs taped up with washi tape. I had no idea it was so much fun!
I do love Spring crafting, there is so much to pick and choose from regardless of beliefs. I happened to spend some time researching Mother’s Day a few weeks ago and was impressed by the history in it and how much educational value can be gained from it and Spring and Easter tie in nicely with all of those topics.
Here is the inevitable Pinterest board full of more ideas. Goodness I still love Pinterest.
All your ideas are so so lovely. Thank you for sharing them with us. I often come to your creative blog to get some ideas for my children-beautiful and creative!