One of the problems with being a bit of a ‘plant’ (opposite of completer finisher as opposed to ‘a bit of a vegetable’) is that the internet ends up littered with bright ideas you didn’t finish but that you really should have.
One of these is MuddlePuddle which was my first ever site and was once the rough equivalent in idea form of lots of big and amazing sites now like Red Ted and Nurture Store and Imagination Tree – but I headed off down the retail route instead of the ideas and content route.
Big mistake really. Never mind.
I gave it a revamp in readiness for a new baby just before Freddie was born but then didn’t have the heart to go back, especially as the girls then went to school. It’s very much home ed and I was sad. But with Josie heading out of school and no intention of Bene going, I decided to brave the Freddie dedicated facelift and start again. Along with this site (did you notice) MuddlePuddle also got a new face last week and I’ve started revamping the content too.
I’m quite inhibited by how creative and clever people are now and not sure if I’m up to it but I miss doing those things so I thought I would give it a try. I’m keen to start doing more ‘educational’ things with Bene as he can be a bit too TV orientated if I’m not careful.
He’s got a thing about butterflies at the moment and another thing about shapes. We had a lovely Wednesday this week sat on the floor sorting and grouping buttons and wooden shape puzzles. It was really nice. I loved watching him deciding how to class the garden shaped buttons I gave him and demanding extra places for ones he wanted to separate out.
Later we played with shapes (he knows them all) and I realised how ready he is for numbers and letter so I’m going to bite the bullet and make a start on playing with those things with him.

Ummi zoomis are a big favourite at the moment, making shape games a perfect fit for playtime #toddlerplay
Life is cxhanging here AGAIN and I’m going to hopefully be able to focus more on quality output of content again instead of having to use my blog solely to make a living. That excites me and also makes me realise how important it is not to fritter Bene’s interesting early years days away. And I *really* need to clear up some of the amazing stufff I have done with my kids in the past and get it presented to the internet in a way that inspires me again even if everyone else prefers Pinterest these days!
Really quite excitied to see MuddlePuddle revamped, Its still hard to believe its the first site I found when I looked at home ed.
I love the fab shape sorting blocks- what make are they?
You know, they are years and years old. From Hope Education maybe?
Ah. Ill have a search for them.
I just bought some Alphabet ones made by iplan so Ill check them out too.