For someone who spends so much time making and creating with craft materials and oggling websites like Attic24, I’m not very confident with colour. Fran’s blanket is pushing me out of my boundaries with random, unthemed colour choices and I keep desperately trying to pull it back to something uniformed and safe. She wants unthemed though, with hexagons to remind her of things we did and know and explored together. It’s hard for me. I’m conservative by nature and unconfident about colour. My living room has proved a real surprise to me because pulling of a red and blue look that was all from my head has amazed me.
I so wish I had done an art course or believed in myself about putting a look together; I don’t like being conventional with how my house looks. I want to be more remarkable. Story of my life really.
This week I saw these:-
which reminded me of the ripple cushion from last year and now I’m aching to do something crafty in hot Mediterranean colour again. Am I going to have time for my exotic, high colour house before I get old and staid do you think?
I’ve got my eye on my dining room which has been gentle and muted for years and is due an overhaul. I was going to do the same again but I’m suddenly wondering about something fresher?
Over the weekend I got round to sorting out a chair with a ragged cushion cover, using curtain remnants. I rushed it, but it works great – and it was free.
It has inclined me to get ready to start a new decorating project. But… what shall I do?
I love those boxes! I have to say I am quite random and always throwing colours together with my patchwork blankets that I always think in the back of my mind that really isn’t going to go but if it has been chosen by someone else I have to go with it and they usually look better than expected.