We’ve not had snow here in our town. The line of settling snow stopped 10 miles above us and we only got the tease of flakes that didn’t stay. It isn’t quite winter without snow; last year never felt right because it never even seemed to get cold.
Today I cashed one of my family wish tickets and we took a trip up to Burghley House. Everyone wanted to see the Sculpture Gardens, which we can’t afford to go into in Summer and have always been a good winter walk. We were really disappointed to find them now closed in winter. I feel swizzed 🙁
Still, there was snow in abundance, which hadn’t occurred to me when we set off and the kids loved it. It was almost as if we arrived at a magical theme park with snow specially laid on. Or for the more literature minded, Narnia. For Bene it was his first proper experience of the white stuff and he was thrilled. It didn’t take long for him to get the idea and crunch along with everyone and do some snowballing.
I love this photo. I think it might become my new Facebook header, so long as I make sure it still has the Freddie elements too. I can still see where he would have been, even so. It’s striking me very hard that were are only the cusp now of our eldest no longer being in the ‘child’ photos. This might be one of the last photos of them playing together.
Fran and I spoke today about parenting and knowing how and when to let go. I hope I get it right. I hope I’m doing it right. It can be so hard to know.
The chicks, most of them. Honestly, where did that brood of little ones go. And how many people walk past us and wonder if Bene belongs to one of them, I wonder?
The park was beautiful today. It was as perfect a moment for a family wish ticket as I could hope for. We don’t ask for much in this family. I’m not too worried about money or amazing holidays. Cold wintery snow and nobody (else) dead will do me.
Freddie. He’s always there. I could say “even on special days” but of course I mean “especially on special days”. Almost 5 years ago I came here the day before his funeral. The mistletoe bundles were up in the trees, with spring leaves about to burst open across them. Whenever I see it, I think of him, so today I did too.
But the day belonged, quite rightly and most of all, to the boy of not quite three who realised that when his sister bent over to pick up snow, he could throw snow at her exposed back and it would go down her trousers.
Nicely done, Bene 😆
I’ve had time to think about blogging over this last week. I’m beginning to carve out more of what will be here.
My words for the year are going to be “record” and “legacy”. I’m going to try to get back to recording the things that our family will remember doing together, the house, our life, family. I’m starting to work out what will be written elsewhere. I think it will work.
But the thoguht for the day? Definitely snow down your big sister’s bum crack.
I have no idea how he knows that phrase. It must be a boy thing.
Sounds wonderful. Beats being at work:)
Wonder why they have shut the gardens?
Georgeous photo.
I’m 24 now, my siblings are 20, 20 and 18 – we still play together. Last time we had proper snow there was an epic snowball fight in my dad’s back garden.
I’m sure Fran will continue playing with her brother and sister for a few more years yet. God knows I don’t plan to stop putting snow down my sisters back until I’m at least 35!
p.s LOVE Burghley House. We had our Christmas party there the week before last – it’s magical there 🙂
This is good to know 🙂