16 years ago I watched my new husband give up smoking for good on the arrival of our first baby daughter. It seemed to be easy for him to do so, perhaps because he has a very black and white personality that doesn’t seem to argue with it’s own decisions internally. If only I could do the same with food. Last year I watched a friend struggle with her own smoking habit, trying a number of different remedies and treatments to work on cutting back and cutting it out.
In this house we are big fans of healthy diet, lots of exercise and properly explaining the risks of smoking to future health. Quite often though, a sanity check reveals habits and misconceptions that are worth making some sensible changes to address. The following information may help, whether you are a smoker or just need to fine tune some habits.
If you’ve got children you’ll know how important it is for them to lead healthy lifestyles, and also for you to show a good example, too. We all have the best of intentions, but it’s not always easy to stick to them!
Smoking is a definite no-no and so seeing campaigns like the Stoptober challenge taking place throughout October was great – apparently, if you can stop smoking for 28 days you’re five times more likely to stop for good.
Whether you smoke, exercise lots, eat well or sleep plenty, how healthy are you? This simple quiz, created by Phoenix Electronic Cigarettes, gives you an idea. Click here to take it.
Interesting that an e cigarette company claims to be concerned about healthy living.(aren’t the big tobacco firms also moving into e cigarettes as they are losing some revenue as people switch?)
We don’t allow these at work due to their habit of exploding and overheating when on charge. You can still successfully set yourself on fire using these if you are on oxygen therapy as many with grotty chests are.
Didn’t realise you could get alternative flavours – coffee cigarette for the morning, skittles/gummy bear flavour for afternoons etc.
Not convinced these are at all a good thing and if I could hear anything worrying using the cheap stethescope in the picture, chances are stopping smoking ‘proper cigarettes’ is very much a horse-door-bolted situation and you may as well just keep going.
All valid points; bread on the table I’m afraid 🙁