The lady at Innocent said to me,
What can you do with the letter P?
I asked all the children to tell me a word,
They thought of when the letter P they heard.
Truly I wondered as they giggled and laughed,
If their thoughts were mostly naughty or daft?
Then off they all went with a camera in tow,
To hunt for some items that I could show,
On the blog, to you all, to publicise fruit
And encourage you to save up for fridge magnet loot!
By drinking fruit smoothie you can win your name,
To stick on the fridge door gallery of fame.
Back to school came around with learning to spell
Top of the list of homework hell.
And mum is tired out from packing up lunch
With healthy fun snacks for kiddies to munch.
So here are our P‘s to brighten your day
If you read to the end you can join in and play!
Peach (okay, nectarines but no one would have eaten them so their body double is standing in), pears and …..? Do you know?
Permanent Pens – preventative protection preferable.
Precious Penguin Poo. (She also has one called Penguin Pee – I don’t know what to tell you.)
Pack of Puddlechicks, posted off to school.
You can get your own Innocent Fridge Magnet names with Participating Packs; terms and conditions are here. I’ve also noticed lots of supermarkets have excellent offers at the moment 🙂
Disclosure: we were sent goodies to join in with this piece of picture posting pleasure 🙂
You missed a trick. Unless I’m mistaken, they are a Pesky Pack of Palomino Ponies! 😉
We get through lots of these smoothies – on our 3rd round of magnets though and a bit fed up of them falling off the fridge and spreading round the house to be collected up and thrown at various intervals. The free seeds offer was good a couple of years ago though.
Let me guess:
pomegranates or passion fruits? (if there’s the rough dark skin).
Positively reminds me of Penelope in Mr Poppers Penguins!
Love this sensory approach to learning letters. Might send my 2 off on a tresure hunt later, perhaps with a smoothie as a treat afterwards. Much love, Hayley x
I’ve been buying Innocent Smoothies by the fridge load but I’m finding it hard to complete the full alphabet for my son – (G, J, M, Q, Z ) needed to complete. I’ve lots of duplicate letters and wondered do people swap magnets?? Or do Innocent offer a service where you can buy/exchange magnets for ones required??
Send them a name request that is just those 5 letters?