This was a weekend for reasserting myself and regrouping.
Taking down time to be outside and enjoying the fragments of beauty I have in my space.
Spending time with myself and chewing over what isn’t right at the moment. Building some friendships.
I’ve run a lot. I passed a milestone today in running 24/26 minutes, a 12 minute, 8 minute and 4 minute chunk.
Enjoying the children as exam pressures begin to ease, schools become happier and little boys get well again.
I realised I am extremely tired and that I don’t function well – still – when one of them is ill.
I realised I need to take more care of myself and communicate more.
I realised I need to make lists of what needs doing and what I want to achieve.
Thank you for all the lovely comments. I will respond and I’m grateful. They helped xxx
cathjw says
It sounds like a lovely (and much needed) weekend.
I have been thinking (and worrying) about you lately. But my words leave me short. So I end up silent.
Be kind to yourself my dear. Like Angela said, you are a woman that I look up to.
That I aspire to be like in any way that I can.
I hope that things can be set to rights for you. xoxo
merry says
There isn’t nearly enough time with a house full of small people, that is for sure.
Hannah says
I’m glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Thinking of you xxx