This weekend involved a lot of driving ( not by me! Result!) so that my girls could spend time with friends they have known since they were babies doing this.
And lining up for photos to compare size in various combinations. There was a time when these two appeared to be built in the same scale…
Here are the muddlepuddle triplets, born within days of each other.
While they did that, the adults drank tea (mostly!) and chatted sedately.
We had a lovely time, I had a lovely time. It’s good to be back in the land of coping with gatherings.
It’s fair to say my ability to get lost is infectious though (sorry Alison and thank you. It was a giggle 😉 )
On the way up we stopped at my father and step mother in laws house.
L had done something very special.
I do love her.
Here’s to friends and family.
You make me.