A few weeks ago I asked friends to join in with me as I crafted myself to distraction in the run up to Freddie’s ‘should be’ 4th birthday and join me. For those who did, I am truly grateful. And for those who sent photos of daffodils on the 2nd and thought of us and remembered him with us, I am truly grateful too. It made a real difference. This year has been a hard one, in a new sort of difficult way. Each year brings something different in what we learn to cope with. I’ve done a round up below; All the images are credit of the person/blog they relate to (I hope they’ll forgive me not littering the page with individual credits) and if I have forgotten anyone, which I may have done because keeping track was hard, would you comment with a link to a blog or a Pin and I’ll add you. I’m linking here to ones done specifically with Freddie’s day in mind but other people kindly added crafts to the linky too, so do visit them.
Thank you to Caterpillar Tales. You absolutely have to click through to see the finished article, it is amazing. I loved seeing these gorgeous children busy crafting.
The rather amazing Here Come The Girls made paper plate daffs. Adorable.
My dear friend Cara, who lost Reid the day after Freddie was born and who has been one of my stalwart friends through loss these past 4 years. Thank you my friend.
Fun as a Gran makes me smile often in all the places I know her; she did something we accidentally did a year ago with some mown down daffs; thank you for your thoughts and care.
On any day, daffodils in Hama Beads would delight me; this beautiful offering from a long standing home educating friend, who has been there for me through the years, is just perfect.
Mum in the Madhouse was incredibly quick off the mark; Jen never fails to send me love on difficult days, something I am not good enough at returning or saying thank you for (though I do in my heart!) and I loved her daffodil pinwheel craft. She’s such a clever crafter.
My dear friend June made stitchmarkers in Freddie’s memory and is donating £1 for each set to our SCBU fund. Thank you again, lovely June. I have some, they are gorgeous. (I must knit!)
A reader sent me a pin of a gorgeous garland she made using leaf patterns from my craft blog; I adore it. Please look at it (Pinterest will only let me link to one pin in a post… (Nicki, if you send me the image, I can add it 🙂 )
Jennie knows only too well how it feels to lose an adored baby after #MatildaMae died in her sleep last year. Thank you for taking the time to join in with me Jennie.
Something very special from a friend who also know exactly how we feel. Loved this, M xxx
I was really moved by this post from Pasta and Patchwork, who also did the most amazing origami daffodil.
Some of my friends – many of my friends, were kind enough to Instagram me with pictures too; here is a collage of the ones tagged for me. I think there were more – if you made something, took a picture of daffs or similar and they were for us, please email them to patchofpuddles at gmail dot com and I will add more collages, or put links to them in the blog hop below. I’d really like to add more to my round up above.
There are some amazing crafts here Merry. A real tribute to Freddie, you, Max and the girls. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. Look at these on the days that you need some flowers and support.
I’m really happy to have been involved, there are some gorgeous crafts there 🙂
Dearest Merry, i am not the crafting sort, and we have no daffodils blooming yet — it snowed overnight! — but last night i dreamt the daffodils were blooming, and that I went out and photographed them, and sent you the photo …. How is that for a lovely dream? Love and {{hugs}} and thinking of you.