I’d forgotten how much fun it is to just sit and make things with Hama Beads. I think they are still my favourite crafty stuff; I couldn’t bear to not have a shop full of them!
I’m clearly in need of a bit of therapy; the breast lump thing has knocked me back badly, even though it was okay. Anxiety has skyrockets and couple with April approaching – meh. I need to talk, I think but there is no time and no one to really listen.
Josie and I sat and beaded in the Spring sunshine today, listening to Percy Jackson and thinking our thoughts. Very soothing. The daffs in the garden make me smile, just about and creating patterns from scratch for the first time in years is lots of pleasure.
Even the ‘not very daffodil at all’ one.
Later on we joined everyone who stuck with the gym and made it happen for a great big play session and party. It was fabulous – I’m bubbling with joy to see what we’ve achieved.
Even the ripple is coming on 🙂 A longer job that I intended.
I’ve booked on another Debbie Abrahams knitting course with my birthday money. Squeak!
If only I could get mine to sit still long enough – they have no staying power at all.
Love hama beads but end up sitting alone doing them which isn’t the point!
Love the rainbow mug.