If you like to follow blogs by Facebook, you’ve probably noticed that almost all the pages you subscribe to have disappeared from your timeline; Facebook want people to pay for exposure and for blogs, that’s not much of an option.
It looks like it is back to the old fashioned ways of keeping in touch with blogs, like we used to do in the days before *gasp* Facebook. You can’t really beat an RSS feed in my opinion. You can click this pretty button below and use it to get a regular update in a RSS reader (or try that nice box on the right or below which will email you a once daily post if I’ve written anything). You can even subscribe by using the WordPress options at the bottom of each post. And then, on the right, I’ve got things like Twitter etc too.
I’m all for immediacy myself – and simplicity – I like an email from blogs I like because I hoard them and read in bed at night. Admittedly it makes commenting an extra click, but if you read by email, why not tweet me to let me know what you thought 🙂
If you have an iSomething, I recommend Feeddler and an account on The Old Reader; between the two, you can group blogs in folders and keep track.
After all, you’d not want to miss out on the all important doings of the Puddles, would you? 😉
I’ve gone back to Sage RSS feeds, Facebook is not doing anything for me lately. Feels quite nostalgic to press the refresh button and wait for blogs to turn bold 😉
I don’t really use my laptop enough for sage anymore. I still miss it though.
Have always read your lovely blog via rss, for many, many years now 😀 Since Google Reader disappeared, thankfully all my lovely blog links and tags transferred over to Feedly on the iDevices and the Mac, good clean reading 🙂 Bleurgh to Facebook – keeping up with it practices from a business/blog promotion pov must be a bloomin nightmare! Don’t think I’d be one for subscribing via email myself though, I have enough trouble wading through the spam on a daily basis to find the genuine mail I should read. I wonder what is better to track stats by though? x
Gmail for spam avoidance. All my email addresses go into gmail. Gets rid of it all. The downside of email is, of course, not getting hits.
Don’t get hits from an rss either, I have you in greader, but have rarely made it through anywhere to comment recently.