When possible, get someone else to entertain them would be one way of describing it. Or, harness the skills of other people in the household to offer stimulating and exciting opportunities to explore.
Take your pick 😆
Bene loves Fran’s cello. It’s not a cheap cello either and also rather a precious one, for a variety of reasons, so his love for it means it has to live in its case at the moment, which is rather a shame as it looks lovely on a stand in the corner of the dining room. Whenever he can, he sits and plucks the strings and listens to the sounds he can make. He’s been really moved by music since he was very tiny; I’ve always sung to him and the toys that have appealed to him most have been bells, xylophones and tambourines. He’s incredibly like Maddy was at that age; a wrong note makes him flinch and he hums and sings to himself a lot. He’s been copying tiny phrases of music since he was very small.
The picture above was a really beautiful moment; Fran was practising and he came to stand by her and just watch, so she took his hand and put it on the bow and let him move it with her. His face just lit up, not only at the precious moment he was having with his sister, but also at the feeling of the music vibrating into his hand.
awww, lovely moment x x