I’m determined to do more crafting from books I already own; even though I really want to create from my own brain, I lack the skills and the only way to learn is to practise. I went to a workshop a while ago and bought a book so I thought I would try a riff on a ripple cushion by Jane Crowfoot.
It’s the first time I’ve tried a ripple, though I’ve eyed up the Attic 24 ripple for ages.
This has inspired me to try a blanket soon; it’s just so restful to do!
I’ve altered the colours and pattern a little on mine, plus I’m using Rowan Hand Knit cotton, but I think it will make a great floor cushion eventually.
I love this – need to make time for crochet and knitting somehow, finding it impossible to fit it in at the moment, but I should – it’s good for my mental health 🙂