Now here is a match made in heaven, a blogger who once had her roots in easy early years crafting, who loves stationery and spends her life trialing and selling crafty loveliness…. I can’t go wrong with a Post-it Note window art challenge!
Josie adored this, really loved it. An envelope full of pleasing stacks of 3M Post-it Notes and full permission to ‘waste’ them in the name of art was the perfect way to spend the afternoon of a dreary day off school with a cold when the weather was grim and the company poorly too. Once she perked up, she had a lot of fun creating pictures on several of our windows – and in fact they are all still there 3 days later with various sisters muscling in to add bits too them 🙂 3M Post-it Super Sticky Notes have an enhanced adhesive, which holds stronger and longer to a multitude of surfaces including vertical. They definitely live up to the description 🙂
The one in the middle is a forest at sunset… yes, I think it looks like a cake too 😉 I love the flower and rather enjoyed what she did on the right. It was an experiment with symmetrical patterns, which she did not long before she ‘left home’ as it were. Actually I thought this would be a rather brilliant way of playing with symmetry with a child. It’s bright, colourful and fun and can be repositioned repeatedly. A big classroom window would be a great place for a class collaboration and I fancy trying it for the autumn – much more fun that drizzly grey housing estate!
Downstairs provided a venue for a larger picture.. which turned out to be our “family tree” complete with thoughtfully counted series’s of 8 starts. I love that girl.
Actually, far from being wasteful, she ended up being inspired by the fact that one stack was ‘glued’ topsy turvy, so it opened like a Christmas decoration when you pulled it. Apparently we are going to do that with our picture ones when we’ve got bored with them. I suggested drawing on some to create a pattern over the top of a pattern but she wasn’t so sure of that.
It’s funny, 3M Post-it Notes were a coveted steal from my dad’s office when I was a kid and an invaluable part of our own workplace but using them as a craft material hadn’t really occurred to me. Since they aren’t especially expensive (being as the cater to office buyers not toy buyer) I think they are a rather excellent idea. The glue is good enough to use them lots of times and the shapes and colours (stars.. .they do starry post-its!) make me long for a budget to fully realise my potential need for ownership.
I can think of lots of uses for them:- sequencing, patterning, counting, symmetry, mosaics on windows, making ‘stained glass’, special needs art material for those without fine motor control, even game playing with characters drawn on them and moved about, or as a way to illustrate a storyboard with moving characters.
But I think I liked the freedom and delight a big pile of them gifted to a snuffly girl to make pictures she was proud of on a day when everything felt difficult the best.
Disclosure: this is a sponsored post(-it?!?!) and we have received payment and product accordingly.
Beautiful. Love the stars. Might try that one once tidy-freak husband is back in the states for a few days though all of our windows have small panes which might prove challenging.
I thought the middle one was a castle at night 🙂
I love the tree. Lots of potential here for Christmas. (Did I just say that? It’s September. Please shoot me).
Ha!!!!! (aaaaargh….)