Today was the day that Maddy, the child who ended up being home educated for the longest, started school.
She had a great day; she came home full of stories and thoughts and interest. I think she went at just the right time and like her sisters before her, she seems to have made a good start. I daresay there will be bumps along the way but it was wonderful to hear how positive she was, wonderful to hear her say “the oddest thing was it didn’t seem that odd to be there”. I’m pleased about that. I may not have ended up home educating as I wish I had but along the way adaptable, able, self aware children seem to have come out of the process.
It will be interesting to see what happens next. Well done Maddy.
What a lovely confident young lady she is. Give yourself a pat on the back 🙂
I’m so glad that Maddy had a good day! I hope she continues from success to success and that she will always be happy, no matter where she goes or what she does in life.
My eldest has decided that she wants to go to secondary school after being home educated since the start. I would love to hear what your girls would say about how to make the change from home ed to school go smoothly.
Glad Maddy had a good first day, Well Done her!!
Well done Maddy! ~ I hope it continues to go well for you all. And love the blog make-over too 😀