You may remember that we were recently busy clearing out the house as part of the 40 days project? It was pretty successful really and an awful lot of clutter left the establishment. I’d intended to get going on a 40 jobs projects, along with a ’40 nice home making crafts’ project, but that hasn’t quite happened, what with this and that. And now, you’ve guess it, the clutter is creeping back a little, though nothing like as badly as before.
With school on the horizon for many if not all of the children, it seems like now might be a good time to redo the project. We’ve still got lots of ‘educational’ and ‘craft for learning’ stuff in the house and less and less of it gets used. I’m already fairly sure that I can shift off more books too since the chances of anyone wanting text books is probably reducing somewhat. I’d started paring down to one good one on each topic and I can go further on that. However, one area I didn’t even begin to touch on was all of the ds games, wii games and dvds we have. The girls spend more time on ipod type screens than DS’s now, though this might well change with the imminent arrival of Animal Cross: New Leaf 😉 and I think we must be hoarding a fair bit of money in the whole ‘games we have an attachment to but will probably never actually play again’ bag of doom. A while ago I did have a big clearout so they could all buy a new one each with the proceeds and I think it might be time to sell games again to fund the all encompassing town building bonanza that New Leaf will no doubt bring along.
Plus the children won’t have time to watch films anyway if they go to school and I reckon the DVD shelves will make perfect wool stash shelves…. and then of course, I will need the house to be really empty because once New Leaf arrives I won’t have time for housework…. and the boy doesn’t really play with toys of games anyway because he mostly likes domestic appliances, so that’s all fine…. *fades out* did I mention Animal Crossing comes out again soon?
Disclosure: this is a sponsored post. I have an Animal Crossing fetish to fund. Did I mention it comes out soon?
I think there would be mutiny if I threw out the DVDs. Despite being at school and nursery, there always seems time for a film though a current fave is the original famous five series that I watched avidly when little.
What was that you said about Animal Crossing being released soon? 😉
Oh… it’s this game. It’s coming out soon. You might have heard of it… called, errrm… ummm… Animal Crossing.