I’m terribly behind with Bene updates, which is annoying because he has been changing so much. At not quite fifteen months, he’s been walking for around 1 month now. Starting walking was pretty funny; he took a few steps for a day or so, then scared himself silly and wouldn’t walk on the floor any more. He did think walking on my bed was a great idea but I wasn’t too sure, especially as he has a tendency to hurl himself full length, resulting in several bumps, bruises and years being taken off mummy.
Eventually however, he did get the hang of it. Since then, there has been a whole lot more trouble, but a fair bit more of this too.
Speaking wise he still sticks mainly to “da da va” although he has a trademark “da da daaaaaaa!” for anything exciting, accompanied by arms in the air 🙂 He’s scored a blinder this week with a very decided approximation of “sister” which he uses with considerable feeling 😆
He fell totally in love with his sister’s little wooden cooker this week which was rather adorable.
He’s discovered the delights of cbeebies.
And likes the dustpan and brush so much we had to get him his own one.
There is nothing like a sister for singing you to sleep though.
There now follows a horribly overdue product review!
A while back we were sent this very cute Melamine Muppets Dinner Set to review.
First it accidentally got stashed with a set of Xmas presents I then lost in the cupboard of doom and when I unearthed it, I realised I had foolishly chosen it to review at the point where Bene as going to want to wear or hurl all plates. However, we have done our best to use it in bits and pieces and I’ve been really impressed with the quality. The print has lasted lots of dish washes and scrape and stirs so far, the spoon is an unusual shape (round) but Bene really likes it to eat from and the cup and small bowl have been well used. The feel of it is sturdy and good quality and when he’s old enough to enjoy the plate, I think it will serve his inclinations towards orderliness very well indeed. And who wouldn’t like a muppet peeping from the bottom of their bowl? 😉 I’ve been very taken by the weight and feel of the melamine, it’s lovely. (Item provided free for review).
It’s not all been sweet and light though as you can see from this photo. Poor old Bene has had a constant cold since Septemeber; this week is the first week he has been nearly snot free for a week at one time. It’s been horrible.
The night in hospital with bronchiolitis in December, we had a visit from an ambulance in the night when he started struggling to breathe. He’s now diagnosed with asthma and has a powder, montelukast, each night in a yoghurt which stops his airways being inflamed. We’ve just weaned him back off becotide and ventolin inhalers but have to start again with each cold. It’s been tough though a chest x-ray showed no serious problems, which was a relief. I am gradually getting better at him being ill though, which has sort of made it worthwhile (very much sort of!)
Mostly though, he’s just a very beautiful, 7 toothed, loving, walking, da-daaaing, extremely happy and content little boy.
I think I’ll get that Muppet dinner set as a present for my nephew Wilfred. He was born in October so too young to use one yet. I’ll wait a few months. I do love melamine.
Lovely photos. I think it must be marvellous being our youngest boys with so many (though not enough) older siblings to play with. x