In a few weeks time, this blog will be ten years old. It's seen many things – some amazing, some terrible – over those 10 years and most of our life is captured inside it.
But not all. Not everything I'm interested in, not everything there is to know about us. There are posts I've never dared to write and posts I've not had time to write, and there has been a huge change in how and why and what I write. I was thinking earlier that it feels as if I had always had it but at one of the hardest times of my life I was a fairly new blogger; it was only 3 years old.
In honour of the ten years and because I've felt rather blogged out recently, I thought it might be fun/interesting to do something a little different. I've invited some bloggers with passions, interests, businesses and voices to join me on the blog. I've asked some friends to tell me things they know about us, some are going to write posts. I'm hoping I might even persuade some family to join in. I'm going to write some posts that should have been written. I'm going to hunt for the blogging voice I want to have now my girls are growing up and don't want other lives shared on a blog any more. I'm going to spread some joy too, I hope, with some pretties to celebrate the blog's birthday going out to other people.
I think it will be fun. I hope you'll come along for the ride. If you have an idea for contributing, please get in touch. I'm not always very good at replying to my commenters and readers, time does not allow, but I appreciate you all very much.
To kick off #10wks10years, why not say hello. I'd love to hear from you.
Looking forward to it. I have some ideas if you still want me. 🙂
Definitely – just being slow on emailing. Busy week! But yes please 🙂
Right, in that case I will get on with planning. 😉
‘ello! Still here after 10 years!