I think this is a great idea, really appeals to me. The MADS is doing one extra award for an Outstanding Blogger who makes a contribution to our society online of parent bloggers. So here are the people I would nominate, if I could do more than three.
Sian at Mummy Tips for her work on ShareNiger, being passionate about causes and being a rather excellent PR. I was thinking today that I’ve rarely seen a whole group of people so obsessed with a premium brand as she gets people about Stokke 🙂
Jennie at Edspire, for blogging her way through ordinary life and having the nerve and courage to blog her heart out and tell it how it is since the loss of her beautiful Matilda Mae. You do much to make people understand how this happens to just ordinary people, people like you and me, Jennie and you are to be admired for it.
Rachael at Tales from the Village for getting off her bum and changing a life that wasn’t right but even more, for writing that book we all have inside us and getting it published.
Jax at LiveOtherwise for always being ready to help out someone struggling with a problem, for keeping on trying to find a new way to make things work and for never forgetting to renew my domain name 😉
Josie at Sleep is for the Weak for blogging the bad and the beautiful, in multicoloured words of loveliness, for being so hurty and so happy and changing her stars.
Jane at Northern Mum for being very, very funny and trying to persuade me that tweeting me in my fat holder inner would be just fine. Oh – and just keeping smiling through a shite year. And possibly for hosting the most advertorials’ without being annoying… ever.
Clare at More than Just a Mother for giving up the day job, carving a career and being very funny.
Emma at among others, Science Sparks, for a lovely, unusual and well done blog and for carrying on without Kerry, even though it must hurt like hell.
Maggie at Red Ted Art for building the website I meant to, dammit. 😉 And very brilliant it is too. An ace craft site.
Wow, I would never expect to make that list and I love you for mentioning me. And those advertorials kill me, but a girl has to eat x
Oh Merry, thank you so much for the mention, i really didn’t expect to see my name in such a fantastic list of bloggers. Much love to you. xxx
Thank you for thinking of me, Merry. You are my inspiration and if I can be as strong as you are I know that in some way I will be okay. I hope that one day I can be a lifeline for a family as you have been for ours. We will never ever forget your kindness and care. I cannot believe that we have not yet met in real life but when we do there will be tears and cuddles and talk. I feel like I just want to talk to you forever. You for me Merry are an outstanding blogger and a wonderful new friend x
What a great list. Makes it even harder for me to choose!
some great choices I loved doing this !
Thank you. That means a lot.