Dear Benedict,
You are one.
This month you learned to answer 'give me a kiss' with a kiss, 'do you want some milk?' with a lecherous look, 'can I have it?' With lots of giving and taking games. You gained tooth 5 and 6, both top ones and managed 3 coldless weeks, learned to say brrrrrrrrrrm for a car and push one across the room, that you can make us all make silly noises to make you eat your food. You can make your little remote control car work, have begun to see stacking might be fun and learned to put things in boxes and look in and under places for your toys.
You seem even more a person than ever, even more part of the family than ever.
You've nearly got the hang of unwrapping presents.
Definitely got the hang of toys.
We do so love you.
I made you a cake, from inside to outside, the first I've ever done.
I will even forgive you the asthma diagnosis 2 days later and the ambulance visit.
Little Bene, you have brought such joy this year, are so loved. Thank you for coming and thank you for staying.
Happy Happy First Year, Merry. And oh my heart goes out to you in terms of the asthma — my now-almost-11-year old son was diagnosed at seven months. Not easy.
Lovely boy.Sorry about the asthma, that stinks.
The cake looks fabulous. x
Happy birthday Bene! Your cake is amazing – he must have absolutely loved it! Wishing you a happy, healthy and altogether amazing 2nd year!xx
Beautiful Bene! Loving the cake, wishing they made shoes like that in grown up sizes, and desperately wanting to ruffle that adorable hair! Happy Birth Day x
Happy Birthday Bene! And what a beautiful birthday cake xx
What a lovely age, so inquisitive, reaching new milestones almost on a daily basis. Beautiful photos and I love that cake!
CJ x
He looks so grown up in the picture with Max and the cake.
Happy Birthday Bene. You are growing so fast and learning so much.
You were supposed to stop scaring your mama with those trips to the hospital. Hopefully the asthma diagnosis means you now have medication to take that will prevent the wheezing and scary trips to the ER. It certainly explains why the colds are so hard for him to fight off.
what an utterly gorgeous cake! I’m impressed!
Many birthday congrats to Bene & you all.
(((hugs))) re the asthma – hope you get an effective prescription straight away x
That’s a great looking cake, Happy Birthday Benedict.
Beautiful post and photographs. Congratulations to Bene on his first Birthday!
Just beautiful Merry. What a stunning boy he is. Can’t believe he’s one already! x
Lovely pictures, cake looks fab, gorgeous boy 🙂
Happy birthday beautiful boy
Happy Belated Birthday sweet little Bene!!!!!