In the doctors the other day
With Bene, not yet as poorly as he was today
sat on the floor,
an old lady asked me how many children I had.
And I replied,
as I always do
“I have had six, he is number six”.
Across the room
another lady chipped in;
“Six! How did you manage that?!
My two were enough for me!”
But the first lady,
my old lady,
“I had nine, but mine are all still alive.”
And I looked at her
and she at me
And marvelled that she heard the space.
Even though there is no space for her.
So I nodded. Thank you.
Without a word.
And then,
quite by accident,
I laughed and said,
“Nine! How did you manage nine?”
And she smiled and said,
practised as I also am,
“It was fine. Lovely. You get used to it.”
And that is how we say the wrong thing at times.
Even when we know.
Even when we know better.
I'm back to making honest mistakes.
Well meant.
I think it means I healed but didn't improve.
Ah well.
Random thoughts: this is very well-written; I want to be that old lady, noticing things; I am very tired and emotional and reading this and seeing the photo with the space for Freddie is going to make me cry so it’s probably time for me to go to bed; I am thinking of you and your littlest boy and hoping he is better very soon xx
Like Hannah, this post made me cry. I’ve had similar conversations, very similar.
Hope Bene is feeling better. x
tears here too. Beautiful post.
This is lovely, and I’ve met those wise older ladies, and they are special indeed. I am being thick here I know, but I don’t see how you made a mistake, and now I’m worried that I’m insensitive….what have in missed here?
Beautiful Merry. You have such a power with your words. xxx
This is a wonderful post. Very well done.
Beautiful. xxx