As you probably know, I was nominated in several MAD blog awards recently. I should probably get it out of the way quickly and say I didn’t win any of my categories and am therefore not nearly inspiring enough to interest any of you further 😉 However, I did have a brilliant night and I think I should probably record it for posterity.
I’d also like to say that I’m not in any ways sore about not winning *cough* nor are any accusations of being a sore loser justified *cough* nor did I in any way deserve the accusations levelled at me by the organiser or my room mate. At all. Ever. I was just, you know, chipper the next day and putting on a brave face and a comedic sore loser effect. Totes.
The high points were…. Being brave and strong enough to leave Bene and Max alone for the night and not have a breakdown (he’s now punishing me by being ill, but hey) and managing the tube without getting lost or crying. Getting a chance to chat to the lovely Jen for a while before the ceremony was great as I did need to recover my composure and gird my loins ready for the inevitable trauma of sharing a double bed with Jane and almost certainly losing three times (which I did. And that’s you know, fine. Not sore).
One special mention has to got to Regis UK who tweeted me an offer of a hairdo before hand and made me feel a gazillion dollars by doing a thing to my hair. Quite awesome; who knew you could do that? And then a huge thanks to M&S Dresses who provided me with a £100 voucher to buy a gorgeous purple dress for the occasion. Which I did. I fell totally in love with the first thing I saw and amazingly it looked nice on me. Thanks to them both I managed to look like all of the pictures below. I have never felt beautiful in my life, but I did last Friday. Only my wedding day trumped it. Even knowing I had some serious body armour underneath didn’t stop it (I recommend the all in one mini black sausage dresses they do, I nearly went to the party in it. Jane nearly tweeted me in it. But it was fab and comfy!) and I had heels, proper heels with special silver soles. They were comfy and I will probably wear them for 10 years or more. I now have two pairs of shoes.
That’s me, cuddling Myleene Klass. I told her she had to stand in front of one of my hips if I had my photo taken and she kindly did. ClaraIwantmymummy disguised the other one. (Now there’s a story, never be fooled into thinking a table with a couple of manic depressives can’t have a good time 😉 ) Ace table, with Emma, Susan and others. Most of whom weren’t drinking and I, for once, could. So I did. Thank god Clara didn’t like squid so I could eat hers. I’m going to have to add links later, their names are close to the edge of the iPad and blogsy won’t let me. Fail.
I totally look like my sister in this photo. See how I did totally there? It’s an evening on a table with people under 30. I got to have my hair done and QUEUE with Emma On the right. She’s fab. She also won an award. I didn’t. But it’s fine. Ruth and I have a plan for next year. It’s very secret.
This is either me being genuinely happy or gritting my teeth I lost. Either or.
And I’m pretty sure this is me telling Myleene what 6 children does to your pelvic floor.
You know, I had an amazing night. I laughed so much, I was happy and had fun and met up with people who are friends who I am really beginning to have a shared history with. It meant so much to be there. I have to be there next year. I don’t even mind if I lose again. Except to Jane. Dear god make her lose next year as well as me.
I feel like I’m back, the person who was before all the crud and pain. That night meant a lot because I suddenly remembered who I was before life got so bloody hard. I felt like I stepped on the stage of the rest of my life on that Friday night, even if I never left my table. (Because I didn’t win).
Sally, you are amazing. You and your team did an incredible job and I felt a million dollars all the time I was there. Thank you. And for gods sake do it again next year. And find me a new category I can’t lose.
Was lovely to meet you and you did look gorgeous x
I love this post, it made me smile a lot. Especially the pelvic floor line. And even more especially the bit about stepping on the stage of the rest of your life. I’m happy for you:)
You looked amazing hunny. So sorry we didn’t get time to chat….I tried working the room but at 37 weeks pg in killer heels, failed miserably lol. X
Was a great night
Ah this is
Sorry, pressed too soon!
Was going to say, this is s cracking post with lots to smile and agree with. I’m sure the fact that you were in three categories split the vote. You want a nice niche category like mine, travel…..which I didn’t in either!!
Next time, I will pick you up from Peterborough or we can arrange to go by train together xx
You look amazing!
Your hair did look amazing! And I would never have know you were feeling stressed – you looked very poised and lovely 🙂
I’m so glad you got to feel like the real you and am sorry you didn’t win any of your categories. You look like you’re having a great time and I know what you mean about laughing and letting your hair down. X
You looked utterly glam and gorgeous and posh and I wish I’d been there to fidget you into insomnia! xxx
It was so lovely to catch up with you. You looked fab x
It looked like an amazing night. It must be lovely to put faces to the blogs.
Awwww thank you for the mention. You are fab too. I’ll queue with you anytime 🙂
Was lovely to meet you again – you looked gorgeous… fingers crossed for that win next year as you definitely deserve it.
Was lovely to spend the evening with you!! You looked fabulous my dear!! 🙂 x x