Two much needed weeks away. Back to our Dartmoor haunts of rock and stream and moor and tors that tower and beckon and peep through mist or gleam in watered sunlight.
I want to live somewhere that has this within walking distance. It has been such a happy two weeks. Not easy to leave behind.
Good to have you back though x
It was so good to see you all!
You left your sunglasses though Merry! Shall I post them on to you?
Still dreaming about that apple cake…! Heaven!
You come again soon x
I know what you mean. I’m always in awe of people who have made their favourite holiday place their home and made it work.
Glad you had a wonderful holiday. Welcome back!
(I could really use a holiday that didn’t revolve around obligatory visits to relatives. )
glad you have had a happy holiday