When BigJigs Toys suggested we run a competition with them (disclosure being that we sell lots of BigJigs on PlayMerrily and therefore have a business interest with them!) I thought that with the habitual lovely weather of April approaching, a Picnic Hamper of wooden toy food would be fun.
So I’m sitting here getting ready to write this competition up with grey skies, hail and whistling winds whirling around my second floor lounge 😆 Glad we didn’t decide to risk an April camping holiday!
Luckily you can play picnics inside and out and so this lovely little haul will be perfect for parties on the carpet.
PlayMerrily Toys are adding some cutting fruit and some cheese to the meal – we think some propers are in order!
For every 50 Likes we have on our Facebook page we will also add a runner up prize. We’ll be posting pictures of BigJigs products over there and you can help choose what the runner up prizes are by liking your favourite pictures. However, to comply with Facebook rules, the prizes will be award to commenters here, so liking pictures will only help choose the prizes, not the winners.
Even better, PlayMerrily Toys will have 15% off BigJigs Toys through April!
Comment here (leave blog name if you have one & you might get to review a product too) to have a chance to win.
Tell me which product you like best from this section of BigJigs Toys.
Join the Facebook page to increase the number of runner up prizes & help pick them.
Competition is open in the UK and will close at midnight 30th April. Winners have one week to claim their prize.
If you Tweet, blog, Facebook, Google+ or anything else the competition URL or Facebook page you can leave an extra comment here and it will increase your number of entries 🙂
Wow my little girl would absolutely LOVE a tea party with that lot!
I’m thinking of getting her the dress up doll and wardrobe for her birthda as she loves to strip off Sylvanian families, I’m hoping the poor Sylvanian’s will have some dignity left if we do!
Great competition, love the bigjigs toys!
my boys would love the cutting cake/fruit/cheese
I love wooden toys & these look beautiful. Thank-you for the chance to win.
Love the fruit box and the sandwich! Too hard to choose just one! The ploughmans cheese and apple box is great too! All good practise for when little ones can help in the kitchen! Love that there are healthy options as well as naughty cakes! Everyone needs a treat now and then!! 🙂
OMG! What a fantastic competition! I also have a little girl who would love the picnic set 😀 love the cheese board 😉
I think my little girl would explode with excitement if she saw the picnic set or cake stand!
We have the cutting fruit, it’s fab and such great quality.
We are massive fans of wooden toys here. My girls love playing with their kitchen and they do tea parties for their toys but we don’t have any cups, so they would adore the picnic set. I love the apple and cheese set too, not seen one before. Gorgeous toys. They would be much loved here.
i absolutely love all the above 🙂 the picnic et would get alot of use by my son and daughter and o would the chopping set 🙂 i really cant choose x
i have tweeted @mummykx
also shared on facebook 🙂 excellent comp thank you x
I love these food sets 🙂 my little man likes to ‘cupt cupt cupt’
My Boys would love these, my nearly 3 yr old plays “picnics” all day long. But please bigjigs could you make your sets in more gender-neutral colours.
Ooh, I’ve been looking for some more wooden playfood:) The girls have some Christmas money left so a spending spree might be in order!
My minded children would probably love the picnic stuff but as we are supposed to promote healthy food I’d have to say that I like the cheese set the best. 😉
Also shared on FB , would make a change to win something so fingers crossed and thanks for running the comp. 🙂
My 3 year old daughter would love the cut up cake set..she has her own kitchen and shopping basket and is constantly bringing us tea and plastic tomatoes (for cake) so this would teach her! An absolutely lovely prize for all ages!
Fabulous toys, I know two little boys who would have great fun with these.
We love all the bigjigs toys. Current favourites are the cakes and biscuits. However I love the garage and hence I’m calling that my favourite for today!
I just love the picnic set – my two little girls would too!! Another lovely competition with some more fabulous prizes!! 🙂
I love the junior proper toolkit in wooden box- I have a big girl here who would love that. DH and I both enjoy greenwood working, so having proper tools her size would be a bonus.
The cutting fruit and veg and pizza have had a lot of use and abuse in our house- just the pizza cutter didn’t stand up too well (after a lot of use).
Absolutely adore the cheeseboard, makes my mouth water just looking at it. Just going to head over to the website and place an order as it’s Kean’s birthday in a few weeks and I know he’d love the grocery set too. 😉
I love the fruit and cheese – my grand daughter adores playing with her wooden fruit set in her kitchen, and the picnic set would really add to her imaginative play.
How generous to keep having giveaways! My boys would absolutely like the cereal set best as breakfast as indeed their favourite meal of the day! They would love the picnic set even though it is VERY pink! My four year old now wants to look at rest of your website to choose toys mummy should buy him!!!
The picnic set is lovely and the Punch & Judy puppet set looks great as well. My girls would love both 🙂
I have tweeted (mrsmo80) and have also added my blog address above…would love to be kept in mind for any reviews.
Gilly x
Wow this all looks fab! My little boy would love the cutting cake, the cakes and doughnuts or just about any of it! BigJigs toys are so lovely.
Bigjigs make such wonderful toys! I love the sliceable cake, and the vehicle stringing beads (trains & construction) would be a big hit with my boys 🙂
I love wooden kitchens and the Big Jigs ones look gorgeous – we’d have loved a set like that for the Tots group I used to run. Not having room in the house for a lovely wooden dishwasher, cooker, fridge, microwave and fridge, however, good quality wooden food seems to have great play value even without all the accessories. I especially like the lunch box set; I can see that getting lots of use from a daughter who is currently obsessed with packed lunches (too many days out, obviously!). My absolute favourite BigJigs toy, though, if I had to pick only one, is the Kids Tool Kit – it’s so cool to see actual functioning tools in a size appropriate for smaller hands to use safely rather than toy copies which don’t work 🙂
My two boys would love the cutting vege set! The picnic set is lovely but very pink!
Wow what a fab competition! my favourite toy is the Wooden toy village play shop and I shall consider that for my little girls birthday as she would love it!
Wow – how is it possible to choose one favourite Bigjigs toy? Love the cooker, musical instruments, the food… However, I have fallen in live with the village shop – how amazing is that?! What a fabulous competition! Amyx
My 2-year-old son Loves pink and so he’d love the picnic set! Not to mention being a big fan of cake ever since his birthday! (He got to choose his own beakers in the shop and he chose both pink ones =D )
I love the fruit box set, that’d definitely be my favourite, my son is a nightmare to persuade to eat fresh fruit at the moment (so it all gets mashed up into his morning porridge instead!) and so this would work wonders at getting him to interact with pretend fruit and maybe even consider looking at real fruit at some point down the line!
What a fab competition, this picnic set is absolutely gorgeous. Would love this to play with myself lol
There is far too many things to choose as a fav from the website, but i am loving the King Arthurs castle, have to remember that for my nephew for christmas this year.
We love Bigjigs here, although currently mostly have the train sets and accessories! So, it is about time my daughter got something and this Picnic set is right up her street! She would love the Clothes Line and Pegs too .. in fact all the stuff you have would go down well with all my 3!
+ shared on fb
So many to choose from – we love wooden toys. It would have to be the wooden cosmetics set. My daughter is obsessed with make up and watching me put it on. It’s great to have her ‘helping’ but my face (and hers!) looks rather odd after her handiwork and her dolls are looking a bit worse for wear too! The wooden cosmetics would help us all really!
I rather like the idea of the wooden toy cleaning set, think I could get the 3 year old doing the cleanign instead of me? 😉
And I’ve shared it on facebook (it was friends only though, I hope that ok)
Those wooden food items are lovely! I think the cake is my favourite!! 🙂
My little boy loves cutting up toy fruit and veggies, and I know he’d love a cake even more!
My little girl Sienna would totally love this! She is often playing tea parties so woukd be great for her ti be able to take her own picnic to the woods and enjoy with her teddies!!
I like the picnic set and the cuttable cake best 🙂 And I know a small girl who would have hours of fun with them :o)
They look lovely – I have to say with the number of boys I have our house is pretty packed with BigJigs Rail but in answer to your question… the Nativity set looks lovely (even if it is the wrong time of year to be admiring that!)
Another amazing comp 🙂
All bigjogs toys are fab but i especially like the role play ones as my middle two kids adore copying everything they see me and their dad do around the house 🙂
Have linked my blog as my url, would love to review stuff 🙂
Have G+’d, tweeted and shared the comp on FB so here’s hoping you get loads more likers 🙂
Oh wow!!!! My little girl would be in heaven with this gorgeous tea party set. There’s nothing she likes better that getting out her tea set and serving us all with a piece of ‘cake’ – trouble is, it is generally an imagined slice! These cakes and treats would just be perfect for her!
I love the wooden beads and letter/number templates. they would be used again and again for years!
Gosh so many more lovely things! My daughter would be in picnic heaven. I will go to facebook and share the link to help you get more likers.
I look after 2 children everyday and always looking for new toys for them to play with, this i think could be alot of fun outside at the park when we get some nice weather x
I love the mermaid bookends!
tweeted @esthermate
liked on facebook
google plus 1’d
My two would LOVE to (squabble) i mean play with this! I love the jar of the wooden lacing beads. My daughter spends ages making necklaces out of pasta which we paint so I’m sure she would enjoy the beads.
Tweeted @katie_irving 🙂 x
Liked on Facebook :o) fingers crossed for this amazing prize! x
We love the bigjigs toys (railway!) but also would love the workbench 🙂
Paula @mummyvswork
Tweeted on @mummyvswork
Would LOVE this for my little boy. My fave toy would have to be the
Workbench but also love the train sets bigjigs do too!
I love the mosaic puzzle and the map puzzles. My son is jigsaw mad and they would be a great way to make his puzzling more educational as he gets older.
He also loves picnics so we’d love to win.
I blog at WeAreWildThings and would be more than happy to do any reviews.
Tweeted as @BekKitandCake
Shared on fb
What a great prize! I already like your FB page (Heather Smith) and I think JW would love the Giant Springtime Magnifying Glass! x
I love the wooden teabags!
I have tweeted x
Congrats Kelly!
It’s got to be the BigJigs wooden trains, they are legendary! Especially getting your little one’s name on the carriages (providing their name isn’t too long!)
All lovely, but especially the cut up food.
Ooooh, I know I live in France, but I have friends in the UK, with some lovely kids who love to play …. and my ickle pickle Sofia would LOVE this set if it made it’s way to us – she loves pretend play and I’m so fed up of her plastic stiff that doesn’t look as nice, doesn’t feel as nice and doesn’t last as well – wooden play sets look SO much better!
Forgot to say – in our case, kitchen/shops and food/groceries all look ace – I like the 6 muffins in a tin set – oooh, I feel birthday present ideas coming on, even if her birthday isn’t till October LOL!
This is gorgeous, love the detail on the cheese.
I love the Le Toy Van Emerald Wooden Castle
I tweeted as @mumoffunkids
Shared on facebook too
I did google +1 too
We love Big jig wooden play meals in this house, they get served up along with railway track and the wooden balance/stacking rings are always used as bicuits for the toys.
My blog is: http://enchantedphotoportraits.blogspot.co.uk/
I love the jewellery wooden bead boxes and also the play food. I will tweet too @enhance_me and will also like on FB! :O)
My kids would LOVE this! x
I love all the play food stuff, (my little man is a budding chef!) and the work bench is really fab :o)
Tweeting @Perkyhayley :o)
Google +1’d :o)
Liking and Sharing on Facebook 🙂
I love all the wooden food items and the village shop, my sons and the little ones I look after love role play and these also help with healthy eating and numeracy skills 🙂
I blog at http://mumofthreeboys.blogspot.com
I’ve tweeted as @welshmumofthreeboys 🙂 x
liked and shared on facebook 🙂
Have liked & shared on FB. This little haul is just so lovely! I’m getting quite addicted to your shop at the moment – good job the girls are having birthdays!! x
What a great prize and I’ve just found out I have a little neice on the way so this would be prefect for her 🙂 x
Harriet is at the age where she loves doing tea parties for her doll’s. What a lovely set for any little girl.
Oops – too busy having my birthday celebrations yesterday and missed the close. Dog. Good luck everyone xxx
I really like the look of the Dinosaur Island Wooden Playset but also love all the food stuff as my little boy is really into ‘cooking’ at the moment!
Lovely stuff. Liked and shared
I think the train sets are really great, they give my little boy hours of fun 🙂
Shared and liked Play Merrily and Bigjigson Facebook.
Lol not sure where the word dog came from, meant to say der! In case the count, have shared this for a final push to 500 likes 🙂
My grandchildren love playfood and I have a big old rug they use to have picnics. This would be a fantastic prize for them to share when they come to visit!
Liking and sharing on Facebook (I’m Teesside Powerflush)
What a great comp! I love wooden toys and my girls would adore this prize! Liking on Facebook x
I’ve shared on FB too 😉 Good Luck everyone!
What a lovely competition 🙂 We love love love the wooden teapot. We love everything actually!!! xx
We only use wooden toys and toys that do not make sounds in our home. Our daughter loves pretend play and these newest additions would ne perfect for her birthday which right sround the corner!! Plus I can use them with the little I work with who has Autism bc he loves them too;)
I know my boys love the toolset (we have one already!) I love all the play food though!
Absolutely gorgeous! Would go beautifully with the boys little ikEa kitchen!
My boys would love this. Wooden toys are great! We have loads at home so would be a great to add to the collection .
Love wooden toys! My daughter would absolutely love this!
The set looks fab and your website is full of lovely things too.
Great competition and such an amazing selection of toys!