I’ve got a huge stack of proper educational posts from about last September that I really want to write. They all seem to be stuck permanently in draft waiting for me to take photos or upload videos or goodness knows what. It’s annoying that the most educational things we’ve done over the last 4 months are all half blogged, because they’ve been great :/
Just before Christmas we did a WedEd day where I read the poem On the Ning Nang Nong to the kids. Over previous weeks we had focused on alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia as poetic and language devices so once we’d explored the poem and identified some of the language types within it, I got them to create a word bank of their own using them.
For example:-
ping pang pong,
ping ding ring
ring rang wrong
row rot rob
pop pap pip
I briefed them so they knew they’d be using their word banks to write a word poem of their own and then let them loose. The results were fantastic; I did video them, but I’m not sure the sound is good enough to hear properly. here is one anyway and I’ll try to upload the others and see how it goes. I’ll have to see if I can find the papers they wrote on.