Thank heavens for daddies that can come home from work when very pregnant home educating mummy can’t take it any more 😉 Today I was all done in by lunch time, to the extent that I couldn’t quite imagine lasting awake long enough to see the broth safely on the table, so Max came home and took over.
Josie, Maddy and Max spent the afternoon soldering circuits and making LEDs light up, with proper resistors and everything. I have no idea what they were up to, but it looked like fun.
Maddy absolutely loves stuff like this. There is something very satisfying about ‘real kit’ rather than kits designed to take the tricky stuff out.
Josie was more impressed than she appears, promise. She was very excited by the potato lighting up the LED.
Fran was home from school this afternoon and, having done all her homework ahead of time thanks to ungratefully received mummy nagging, she had the afternoon free to work on her new gym routine, which she is allowed to choreograph herself this time. So much viewing of Latin dance moves on YouTube 🙂
We managed to all be in the same room, doing physics, gymnastics and knitting, once I woke up again 🙂 it was nice.
I have real Kit 🙂
Ha ha 😉
Ah, multi meters are great and wonderful things!! Well my hubby and our littlest man would say so!
Thanks to your home ed page I’ve ordered math, english and science books from galore park. As always I find your product reviews etc very informative and helpful.
Maddy must be way ahead if she’s home early for an afternoon, kudos to you too. Daddy and the gals were soldering on but you are a real trooper in all that you do. Like others I’m thinking of you at this time.
Sending a hug across cyber space.
San x
Haha. Soldering on, love it!
I firmly believe that every human being should have a multimeter and know how to use it!
I firmly believe that every human being should have a multimeter and know how to use it!