My overwhelming urges to do creative new things have been somewhat stumped by the huge nesting/decluttering urges and the amount of knitting I’ve been doing for Marmite’s arrival. Having made the squared blanket, I decided the back wasn’t soft enough to be a first wrapping blanket, so I’m making it into a lined blanket (tried fleece but have flannelette on the way) so I am busy making another one in the style of the Nina blanket. Since I don’t have long left, it means there is no time for anything much but I fancied a quick go at making some crocheted pots for the girls bathroom.
I fell in love with this felting yarn when I was browsing the Deramores sale over new year so I bought some to have a go. I’m hopeless at following patterns, as I’m always convinced I can work it out just as well myself 🙄 so although I found this one on Ravelry, I probably only followed it for two rounds and then went my own way.
It looked good unfelted, though would have needed a smaller hook to manage to stay solid without felting.
I was a bit disappointed in it afterwards though.
I thought it was perhaps that I had felted it too long so tried again on a shorter wash.
These are better but I’d like to be able to shape them better. I need to do some research on felting methods and perhaps try some actual patterns or a different yarn. Any suggestions very welcome. I did get this book for my birthday (thank you lovely MIL and FIL for perusing my Amazon wishlist and making such thoughtful choices!) which has a basket and trug ‘recipe’ so maybe I’ll do better with those.
My best results with felted baskets/bowls have been when I can dry them nice and slowly over some kind of ‘form’ – I keep tweaking it as it’s drying, trying to smooth out any lumpy bits. Then you can steam-block any dodgy bits when it’s finished.
personally I think home made should look home made, everything I make has some mistake or imperfection mainly because I ‘m trying something new. Btw i really like the baskets 🙂