My children spent the afternoon doing pre-school crafts. Yes, yes, I know. But the advantage of letting big kids do little kid craft is that they don’t mess it up and I don’t have to stand over them being all control freaky and wishing they’d do it properly.
Besides, I had stuff left over 😆
Actually, this was rather cool. Black craft foam with the traced outline of a hama bead house template and stuck on to navy card. Then we used some Baker Ross firework stickers, which were very lovely and finished off with silver glitter glue.
Lots of sensible motor skills stuff for Josie anyway. Cutting, sticking, planning… it was her idea to add the yellow foam windows.
I have no idea why that picture looks so wonky in the background. It really is straight. I know we could have done lots of intelligent stuff here and made or own fireworks and built a 3D scene and so on – but sometimes easy is just nice. They loved doing it. It was quite like old times!
In case you are wondering, this is not 13 year old Fran also doing this firework sticking and pasting craft. No. Definitely not. This is an old… oh so very old… photo of her doing it many years ago when she was just a toddler.
Or maybe it was a way of winding down after doing her geography homework. Who can say?
Other Firework and Bonfire Crafts
I love it, the boys have just drawn fireworks in chalk on our kitchen chalk wall
Crafting is such a lovely way to unwind, but I totally get the control freakery thing. I’m always amazed that when I visit or speak to people who frequent the day centre at the hospital that one of the most popular things to do (even for the grown and sometimes rather elderly men) is sitting and colouring, painting or doing some really simple activity. It seems to allow a connection back to childhood that many feel they have not been ‘allowed’ to do for many years and can be very comforting.