Fran made it through her first week at school with her soul intact and a smile on her face 🙂 The pace of 3 lessons a day seems to suit her well enough, although in fact she had several free afternoons this week. As we are not yet in a routine and had some commitments, she spent most of them in school, exploring the library, the computer system and sorting things out. Her timetable this week is harder and last week was made more relaxed by a geography field trip to the beach midweek. She enjoyed that and found it easy enough to do and was pleased to discover she had a good understanding of all the subject matter and vocabulary. Otherwise, she has loved PE and sports, joined the trampoline club and been asked to do a demo at the open night next week. Maths is easy (she made me laugh by getting a sticker and liking that it was shiny!) and has set herself a task of getting into the top set. She’s currently in the second one out of eight; she likes her teacher but wants to be in one where they work harder 😆 Science is interesting (solar system and life cycles) and RE a challenge to her soul; they are (typically) staying with a pro-life/pro-choice debate and it was hard for her. We spent a lot of time discussing it on the way home on the bus together, trying to do our habitual ‘ask yourself why?’ analysis and look at reasons and feelings. They’d been shown some fairly shocking videos and encouraged to choose a ‘side’. I hope our conversation helped her to see the shades of grey, not just the black and white.
There was an older couple sat in front of us; I was a bit worried I’d be shocking them with our frank conversation and our discussion of the topic related to our experience of Freddie’s short life. When they got up, the lady turned to Fran and said “I think you have a very lovely mum” – I was rather pleased 😆 It’s a tough subject, but I so want my girls to grow up knowing they can talk to me about such things and I so want them to be understanding of the real human aspect of ‘ethical’ topics. Nothing is ever simple.
Her toughest start was in English. She was launched straight into several chapters in of an abridged version of Frankenstein and found it a baptism of fire. I don’t really understand the mentality behind studying an abridged version of a classic tbh or having to write an analysis without the text in front of you. She’s very new to that sort of thing so I sat with her while she did her homework today and just talked her through a way of approaching it. She did all the work herself but hopefully she’s got some newly acquired skills for the next time.
All in all, I think a successful week. She’s made a few friends, likes her teachers, enjoys the atmosphere there and feels at home already. Everything I’ve seen of her attitude so far makes me think this is the right thing for her. She’s entertained by a lot of aspects of it and has her eyes very open but it seems to be a good choice.
I feel much better about schools in general after reading several home ed kids’ experience of changing to school ed voluntarily.
I’m realy glad we hung on for a school that felt right and at this stage. I wouldn’t be happy with any other schools in this area for her and gcse feel like a good time to join.
All sounds very positive. How does it work out just three lessons a day? Are they all doubles?
Laughing at the shiny sticker.
Interesting ethical debate. I wonder why they are encouraged to choose a ‘side’ when as you say there is so much grey. Surely it is more helpful as you did to look at the reasons and influences behind choices and what might cause someone to make a decision they may normally find unacceptable.
Hope this week is as enjoyable.
Yes, all doubles and a period of lunch/tutor time in the middle. It makes for quite nice, unfussy days really.
Oh, as for the other thing; they have to do a poster for one side or the other.
Glad to hear she’s enjoying it so far and still has her soul intact. 🙂
lol 🙂
well done Fran, been thinking about you this week!