Now we are back in the swing of daily ‘normals’ work, which always leads for a happier household, we’re getting much more done in general. I like it when we swing back into these productive periods of time; even doing sensible if slightly boring stuff first thing in the morning tends to make the day better. A bit of maths, reading and spelling practise tends to lead into the later morning being used up with science experiments from various books which these days the girls will general facilitate themselves. Recently there was a huge amount of entertainment learning gleaned from a Galore Park book where you have to have a bowl of warm, cold and body temperature water and put one hand in warm, and one in cold and then both together in the lukewarm afterwards. Much excitement from how weird that felt! Then in the afternoons craft tends to lead to play and some down time before we head out to the evening activities, which are all back in full flow now.
The other week we got sent a free Scooby Doo Mystery House for review; in general this house doesn’t have a lot of plastic toys (aside from a recent spate of strawberry scented dolls and Playmobil) so it was a bit of a novelty. My initial reaction was a bit “argh” as it didn’t have any play figures in the set and I wasn’t sure it was going to be easy to review it without them; I feared population with strawberry girlies was imminent! But the company kindly supplied some too and the girls have had several fun days playing with it. Scooby Doo (who yes, really has got himself a Facebook page!) is a big favourite here; they like all the different series’ although I think they are as baffled as I am (I listen, I don’t watch) by the recent outbreak of romances between the characters. What next, a Fred flavoured Daphne-ette? But the vintage episodes have primed them well and so they entertained themselves with lots of monster and trap related games with the house. Luckily the girls are fairly careful players these days; there are lots of working parts, so plenty of play value, but some of them are fairly fragile. I do think it should have come with at least one character and monster too really. However, it has made them laugh and play nicely together, so that’s fine by me 🙂
As it so often the case, it is where a toy leads that counts. Maddy had masses of fun doing a photo shoot for me and setting up various scenes to see what looked most dramatic.
My absolute favourite thing though, was how she dealt with the absence of Fred and Daphne from the figurine set. Have Fimo, will create!
I think they are just brilliant 🙂 And it ticked the product design box for that week too 😉
We don’t have much plastic either. My 4 year old would love that though, he is a big Scooby Doo fan. The Fimo Fred and Daphne are fantastic!
I didn’t know you could still get fimo, I remember making things with it when I was little. I’m going to buy some!! xx
Do check out our craft website then, we sell a huge range of it 🙂
If you don’t mind waiting a few weeks, I’ll pass the house on to you when my lot bore of it 🙂