My children are incredibly lucky; since they were small, having a mum who sells toys and crafty stuff has meant they have had opportunities to try out all manner of things. It is possible that the new Velcro Kids House is the best thing ever though 🙂 They’ve decorated, they’ve performed with it and they’ve played in it and not only is it still standing, but even the big ones agree it is great and produced a video to show you just how easy it is to put together 🙂
Decorating it was agreed to be excellent fun and the cardboard is great quality, smooth and strong, so felt tips worked really well on it. Poster paints would be good too I think; it is certainly thick enough card not to go soggy.
It even performed with them in the play they did last week, featuring as the house that dropped on the Wicked Witch’s sister when Dorothy arrived from Kansas. It didn’t seem to have any trouble staying together despite being picked up and whirled around 😆
The Velcro Kids Create Your Own Playhouse gets a full on thumbs up from us here and will definitely be sticking around. (STICKING around… geddit? 😉 )
If you’d like to win a Velcro Kids Play House, RRP ??39.95, leave a comment and one winner will be chosen using a number randomiser. You can leave another comment if you tweet the link to this post and another if you Facebook it and another if you blog it. Competition will close on the 24th August. Open only in the UK.
Disclosure: Our long term business contact, DKL, sent us a playhouse to review free of charge and are also supplying the prize. My children were not coerced into having fun with it. I may have made the rehearse the video once or twice… 😉
Ah well worth a shot I suppose – Robyn and Lola would love it!
There, and I’ve shared the link on Facebook 🙂
This is amazing! I saw a cardboard castle you could play in but once it was up it was up, if that makes sense so not much good as we live on a boat and space is limited. But one that could
be put up and down at will be would be excellent, Sophia and her friends would love it!
This looks great!- the video was fun too 🙂
I’ve Facebook linked it too x
Looks like great fun .. my little brood would love to win this!
And it’s Facebooked too
And Tweeted :~)
Oooh looks like a great idea. Gabs would love one of them.
Looks great fun – all my kids (even the biggest) had great fun playing with a cardboard rocket at a local art gallery (similar idea but rocket shaped rather than house shaped!!!) – now where would it fit???
What a fantastic house! Is this giveaway open to US readers? If so, I would love to win it for my kiddos, they would have a blast with it!
Maryanne, i am sorry, I didn’t think to say that – but I’m pretty sure there is no way this would make it safely across. I suspect the dimensions would be too big anyway but although it’s strong, I just don’t think it would survive the battering of airfeight.
Love the video. We would love a house like that, looks like great fun. x
Looks fab ! Have tweeted :0)
….and facebooked :0)
Fantastic. My three would LOVE this house. Great for imaginary play at all ages.
That looks great! Good job on the video too :o)
Facebooked 🙂
(and I remembered not to put the nose on the smilie this time!)
Loved the video, what a great house!
Oh, what fun! Daniel had a sturdy cardboard table and chair set once which he could decorate, but this is way better!
This looks great, would love to win this for my children!
Thanks for the great competition 🙂
This is my twitter entry.
This is my Facebook entry.
This is my blog entry. (Can you tell I really want this? 😉 )
Looks excellent. My dd made one not dis-similar but out of inferior cardboard and it eventually collapsed. She would be delighted to win this one 😀
Facebooked 🙂
And tweeted!
I don’t blog, but I do Google+ – can I have a 4th entry if I +1 it instead? (Cheeky, I know!)
Hehehe! I loved the little “to me, to you” moment they had in the video! Great stuff 🙂
OK, here’s a comment.
And I’ve tweeted it.
Have now facebook-ed the link as well!
My two monkeys would love this!
I could see my 3 rascals loving this! Looks fabby.
Great house, Emily would love to get her mits on it! She’d probably want to live in it too! x
Facebooked it too!
I can see my 3 having fin with that, even the eldest ( tho I can see her taking charge with the decorating 🙂 ) Love the video!
This is lovely and would love to win it for my daughter!!
Looks great – kids loved watching the video!
Facebook – done!
And twitter
Oooo lovely! My four would have a field day! You never know….
Looks fab. My lot would love it!
Oooo lovely! My four would have a field day. You never know!…
fb done too
Looks fun! We’d make good use of it I’m sure!