Claire and Charlie bought this (and it’s pair) after Freddie died last year. Claire, it is just so beautiful this year 🙂
I just love these two. The garden is nice at the moment, in a slightly wild and a bit too purple and blue sort of way. But these two just make me shiver with delight.
Over on the allotment things are looking okay. Our peas have been knocked down but the potatoes and onions have grown well, so have the garlics and so has the corn. The carrots are proving slow and the shallots seem to be alive but uninspiring and I’m not totally sure about other things. Plenty in the garden to still transplant though, although unfortunately we lost most of our seedlings which got rather over-watered while we were away. Still. When we came back it had got very thistle-y but the girls and I got it mostly under control last week and this week we’ll give it a good hoeing to deal with the smaller weeds. We appear to have bindweed, which is a bit of a pain, but we’re resolved to keep on top of it.
allotmnet looking good there 🙂