I’m flipping chuffed to bits to have got some nominations for this. I didn’t even do them myself, so I’m properly happy 😉 Thank you, whoever you are. After a really blooming horrible tough year, I’ve gone all warm and fuzzy and feeble and grateful 😀 And I love seeing those home ed blogs, crafty blogs, blogs of the baby lost and just damn fine blogs on those lists. It’s great.
Of course, ahem, now I want to be a finalist – and I want to be in the company of all those damn fine above and aforementioned. I want those sides of parenthood and lazy-bugger-should-be-interacting-actually-blogging stuff up there on the final list. Because if there is one thing parenting is about, it’s sobbing and struggling and having to just get up the next day and find another way along side all the nappies and cute pictures. Those of us with our teeth gritted and 13 years worth of being at home grinding out a daily life should be up there, if we want to be.
The MADS nominations will be counted up next week and the top five from each category will be sent to the final; I’d love to make it through on one of them. Nominations are open till 22nd April.
Here are a few of my faves, in their favourite place of mine from the categories I can bear to look at 🙂 I did try to do a different three in each, but I’m going cross eyed and can’t decide… more tomorrow! (I’ll turn them into links tomorrow too… cut and paste for now 🙂 )
MAD Blog Post of the Year
Best MAD Blog Writer
betweenthesnowandthehugeroses.blogspot.com (Catherine W, you REALLY deserve that.)
Best Small Business Blog
Best Photography Blog
Most Inspiring MAD Blogger
(I’m nominated in this one… most inspired when it comes to making you cry? 😉 )
Best Family Fun
Best Craft Blog
Most MAD Family Life
(I’m nominated here… mad might indeed be a description 😉
MAD Blogger of the Year
(I’m nominated here too.. don’t laugh… and there is no way I can choose, so go and look for yourself!)
Of course, in the end it doesn’t mean much, but some people will get a fun day, some people will get some great prizes and you know, it will just put a smile on the faces of some people too. It takes a few minutes to vote and it’ll really make me grin if me and some of the people from over this side of the blogosphere get to the final fives.
Thanks 🙂
Aww. D’you know, what I like best of all is that the people I’ve nominated have all nominated me. It’s a love in. Your nominations are very well deserved. xxx
Well it is but I guess so is blogging really. People write in public to connect and converse so an awards based on that sort of hits the mark. It’s going to slide in various directions of course but less if everyone joins in. I lived looking at those lists; masses of diversity. A far cry from how isolated I felt when first home with a baby.
Loved! Not lived. Bloody iPhone!!!
And you definitely deserved yours!!!
Congratulations – it is well deserved! I’m especially glad you are in the ‘most inspiring’ category. When I was first thinking of home educating (January 2005) I came across Muddle Puddle and it was what gave me the courage and inspiration to take that leap, something I will always be so thankful that I did. Reading your blogs and seeing pictures of your children so happy and free and learning in such a positive way showed me the kind of education I wanted for my children. Since then I have been addicted and read your blog regularly and still often get ideas and inspirations from some of the topics, projects, outings etc that you do. Over the years I have also found your honesty and openness so touching, and I think that this is particularly why so many strangers all over the country are able to identify with you so strongly. Many of us who home educate or who have had to face or are still facing the loss of a child would feel so much more isolated without blogs such as yours and some of the other wonderful blogs that have been nominated. So, thanks for everything, and I really hope you win!!!
Nikki, what a really lovely thing to say. Thank you so much 🙂
You thoroughly deserve your nominations. Yours is one of my go-to blogs, even when I am not really online ;). I hope you win.
And thanks for the mention in your list xx
Ella, that is a lovely thing to say. Thank you. Love you blog too.
Congratulations! I think you totally deserve these nominations and I hope you win. (and Catherine W., too.) Good luck!
Awww, thank you Jenn, that means a lot 🙂
You thoroughly deserved yours and thanks for mentioning me. I find the whole thing slightly weird but if I said I wasn’t pleased to be nominated I’d be lying.
Good luck to you!
It is a bit weird, but fun. As it should be 🙂
Congrats on your nominations, Merry. Very well deserved, I admire what you write, greatly.
I’m chuffed to be nominated too and even more chuffed to see that you’ve mentioned my blog here – thank you!
You definitely deserve it – I would love to even want to be able to cook like you do!
Well done Merry! Thoroughly deserved nominations in all those categories and I’ll certainly be voting for you when I figure out how. Don’t know how I can spend so much time hanging around the internet and still be clicking hopelessly through pages and pages trying to achieve something!
Thank you for mentioning my blog and for your kind words. I’ve never come across the MADs before but the name seems appropriate for me and I’m a little overwhelmed to find my blog mentioned amongst so many others that I really admire. x
Don’t forget to put your badge on to your blog if you want to be counted 😉