One thing that has kept me going this year is blogging. Along the way I’ve been lucky enough to meet many new people, from mothers of lost children to people who have made me laugh and smile and have moments of thinking just ordinary thoughts – a new collection of friends who’ll happily be kind for a minute without me worrying too much I’m weighing them down with cares.
I’ve found some new blogs to read and new people I am looking forward to meeting among them. And gained some readers too, whose comments and kindness have kept me going and cheered me up.
Being a business person as well as someone who once tried running an online way of communicating and sharing, I’m quite awed by the organisation behind the Tots100 and TheMads.
So yes, I’m pimping. I think these are blog awards worth supporting and it would make my day to get nominated too 🙂 (What’s the point in being coy!?) I’ll be putting in my nominations too. I think it would be fabulous to see some of the blogs about the myriad of sides of parenting on the nomination lists; home educators, the parents who have been through losses, the parents who stay at home, parents who work at home.
Go on; it takes a few minutes – nominate some of your favourites.
Hi hun see your post on the mads facebook page. Love it! My son has autism and SEN and i had to pull him from school in the end due to discrimination and his needs could not be met. His now in home tuition to the LEA do whats right and get him a school place to name in part 4 of his statement.. I’m off to the SEN tribunal in June to fight it out for the school I want and he needs. Well good luck on the awards. Fellow mummy and i’ve been pimping too lol.