…clearly did not like me choosing a simple hand tool as my favourite gadget.
Yesterday I had my phone stolen, at least that is the best explanation I can come up with, since I entered the shop with it and didn’t have it when I got home and no one in the shop has it, it wasn’t at the checkout and it wasn’t in the baskets. I guess the uncomfortable feeling I had that someone had walked too close to me was right – they did and my sense that they were threatening was right.
It isn’t like it really matters. It’s not a big thing to lose really, though replacing it is going to cost me money. It’s not like I’ve lost a child, or anything important or meaningful. It’s just that…
That was the phone I had with me while Freddie was alive. In that phone there were text messages I sent which spoke of him in the present tense. I was going to reconstruct his life with those, one day, little snippets of things I sent to people about him in the moments when I had hope, or no hope, or places in between. His birth announcement, his death announcement. Messages to and from Fran and Maddy to keep me grounded in reality while the rest of life shifted and wavered around me.
It hurts that someone who meant me harm has something with his photos on and will wipe them off to sell it.
It isn’t like it should matter. But it just kind of does. Like all those other things, the things I have to put away that just leave a hole that is as bigger reminder as the thing was itself. Just another thing. Another lost thing. Another piece gone.
I would have put that phone in his memory box. But I can’t now because it has gone. And the person who took it won’t even care.
Merry, how terrible to lose those little bits of Freddie’s life. It doesn’t matter that it’s “just” a phone, the messages and pictures were understandably precious.
This happened to my husband in Currys a couple of months ago – he had his i-phone stolen.
A month later, we had a call by some one who had found it in a lake they were fishing in!!!
It was water logged but after drying it out, it worked fine and had not lost any of the photos etc.
I really hope yours turns up too xx
Oh Merry, it does matter.i’m sorry someone has taken it, I only hope they have an attack of conscience and return it.
Yes, as Jeanette said, it does matter. I would be terribly upset if I had lost something with snippets of Micah’s life on it. I’m so sorry it was taken from you and I hope (even if it probably won’t happen) that it will be returned to you. xx
My immediate reaction to this was utter horror. It’s not just a phone and whoever took it deserves to get their just deserts. Where do they get off? I can’t write anything coherent. I’m furious. There’s a small chance it might turn up and I hope for that.
Thank you all for understanding. A small crumb of comfort today is that doing a restore from itunes to my new phone has brought those texts back. It makes all the difference.