Today we were focusing on perspective which… um… helped us all keep perspective. Just about 😆 As days go, it was one of the ones which we all found a bit tough, due to tiredness, but as it happened, some really good artwork appeared, which goes to show it is worth persevering 🙂
We started off getting them to work on drawing solid shapes on 1cm graph paper. Cubes and Cuboids were easy and the more artistic went on to more complicated things too.
Fran really pleased herself today; she managed some great and thoughtful work and really stuck at it.
Josie was extremely impressive; this was pretty much all her own work, rulers, lines, shading, the lot.
Once they’d all got the hang of that, experimented with shading and started to see why lines needed to be parallel etc, we moved on to this.
This was not easy, though not exactly hard either, but needed concentration and a bit of willpower 🙂
Josie and Maddy got particularly stuck in and finished early, so they ended up also doing a house perspective drawing without any help. All mine did well today but Josie and Fran really shone for me; Josie because she tried so hard at a hard thing and Fran because she just pulled out all the stops to do well. Amelie and Maddy were great too but I expected that 😉
The end results. I think they all did great.
These bottom two are the ones Maddy and Josie did. I can’t believe Josie just got that all done on her own. She is blossoming.
The next steps are to use perspective and shape in some cityscape and building drawing, make some 3D models and hopefully go on a field trip into Cambridge with cameras to take pictures of buildings. Then hopefully put everything they’ve picked up about buildings, styles of architecture and so on into some final rounded up piece of work. It’s been good so far.
Triangular isometric paper (google and print 🙂 ) is fun for drawing 3d stuff too 🙂
Your home ed stuff is really inspiring! We’ve really got stuck in a rut here, so it’s fab to read all your activity reports.