Help! I’m all behind on home ed blogging again. We’ve been busy and active and out and about but with one thing and another, I’ve not caught up. By the end of this week there will have been more busy-ness, so I better try and whisk through.
We’ve done two full art days to catch up with a few missed weeks. The first was, conveniently, Valentines Day, so Zoe had organised a couple of easy art bits from Art Projects for Kids site so we did those over the course of an otherwise leisurely and gentle day.
Don’t laugh, but I am working through GCSE Biology with Fran and Skye; we’re using a standard textbook for some board or other and aiming to cover each topic in as much depth as they can cope with (I do at least own a Biology GCSE and can remember most of it, so it isn’t too bad!) Then we’ll go back over the topics in more depth either as part of the Science etc lessons, or with me, or even I guess with a tutor if we need it (I don’t think we will) so we can do an exam if we want to. I think Fran will anyway. So far they seem to be enjoying it anyway. It takes 30-45 minutes at the beginning of art and is quite nice as a short burst of something different. I love the communal education we do these days.
The next week we did another architecture day, both from Usborne books. One worked well, the other (the crayoned one) looked far better in the book and looks better in the photo than it did in real life! It was FRUSTRATING! The tissue cut outs were fab and HUGE respect to Zoe for the knife work. I was having a basket day, so was no help.
They also made lovely Fimo charms for party favours – rather cleverly given they were in sealed boxed, 2 of my girls came home with the two pretty ones I made!
They had a Wednesday Latin and were kindly cared for and educated by my friends while I had a quiet day, which I did work in (and do some writing) but was good for my soul and greatly improved other days in the week for all of us. Fran was thrilled with the science.
There has been a music lesson and days with Daddy (he is behind on blogging) and I’ve been to work and Auntie Anne, my best friend from school and Fran’s godmother, came to visit and then an amazing swimming party which needs a blog all of its own, a trip to the library and loads of reading new books (thank you all!) and a silly dog story. Which after all that, I shall tell you tomorrow
Would love to read about swimming and dogs: no pressure!
Very colourful Valentine’s Day craft.
The blue/grey backgrounds worked well for the first buildings. (Was it that the doors and windows were cut out, much as in stain glass?)
Biology does sound most interesting. It’s good to have a Science in there.
Just something about crayons? The upper right and the lower right are good. Probably in the use of colours and shapes.
The keychains proved popular. I passed them on to a site called Keychain a day in America: hoping people won’t mind.
Hope the library trip was good.