I promised I would help Fran set up a small business of her own; she gets a bit frustrated at feeling she is the least artistic of her sisters and friends but she has discovered she can make pretty bracelets. She and I have worked together on a bundle of them and she’s really tried hard. You can’t tell which are hers and which are mine, anyway 🙂
Since we can’t wear this many bracelets, we’ve put some up on etsy in our MadeMerrily ( 😉 ) shop. We’d really appreciate some constructive criticism on designs, prices or whatever.
The plan is for her to manage this herself, financially and online but I’ll be helping her until I’m sure she can do it alone.
Well done to Fran, they are gorgeous!
What a fantastic thing to be able to teach your daughter. I wouldn’t have a clue where to start doing something like that (in addition to less than zero artistic talent to create anything in the first place). Bracelets are beautiful.
The outlines and the display background are terrific.
Probably my favourite would be “Nineties Neutral”.
The white in-between beads work well.
So do the more purely thin-thick patterns.
If one stood out in a shop it probably would be 7, 13 and 14.
2 has some really great gradients.
Some of the white bobble beads work better with some colours than others. The dark green one is really great.
I have a feeling that the green beads will go out in a hurry, and that the soccer-type [3, 4 and 5 is what I mean] might be good for the right person.
(Where is Charming Gothic?)
Rainbow Chunky is a lot more subtle than it looks at first sight.
Who does the colouring/highlighting in white?
It does seem that weight is a factor. I’m not one for heavy-type beading.
(And a lot of little beads can get very easily lost).
Venetian beads really make a difference!
(The only one I don’t really like is probably the Two Blues with the pink).
These are not as heavy as they might look, though certainly chunky-ish. You do great comments Adelaide!
We’ve sold 8, so very happy 😀