For Christmas this year I decided to take it one step further with my Sisters and Mums presents. At the beginning of December I had to go into my parents unit to get a birthday present for my friend and I saw a name of a business that caught my interest (Which I will mention later). I asked my Dad, who was with me at the time, what the did and my Dad said they designed T-Shirts and then we had the idea of making them for my family for Christmas.
When I got home I started to create the designed the basic idea for these T-Shirts I was going to try and make and when I had the basic design Daddy took me to see the lady who would my designs come to life. The first time I went to see her we talked about how the my designs would look when they were on T-Shirts and some changes I could make. So that time nothing much happened but I had a lot to think about and we decided that instead of having the designs on just plain white T-Shirts I was going to choose coloured T-Shirts for them which didn’t take too long thank goodness!
The next week I went in to see my person but unfortunately she was ill and not able to come in which was a bit nerve-racking as Christmas was next week fortunately she was able to come in later that week. The next time I visited was the Tuesday just before Christmas and then we started to get somewhere, We looked at the designs that I had done and decided what we would keep and not keep and then when we sorted that out we used the T-Shirts and thought what sizes the shapes and words would have to be to make them look good. We started to print out the things for Amelie’s T-shirt, which we didn’t get very far on because we had to go home and have dinner.
We went back early the next morning to finish them off, which was a lot of printing!. After we had printed all the things we needed we had to peel all extra bits off which really did take a long time and by the time we were finished my head had that feeling where you have been doing something for too long and your head has a sort of dizzy feeling to it! After that all that was left was to heat press the designs onto the T-Shirts.
We started with Amelie’s and what we did was put all the shapes onto the T-Shirt and move them about until I was happy with them. With Amelie’s and Mummy’s There was a bit too much on the front so I put bits onto the back. I put a smiley face out of two stars and a crescent moon with Amelie’s and a rainbow with Mummy’s. Then when I was happy we put the Heat-Press thing down onto it and when it made a whoosh sound (Which always scared the living daylights out of me!) We knew it was done and then all we had to do was do that to the rest of them.
Here is a link to the website
And here are some pictures.
In about 10 minutes, a copy of this blog will be up on Fran’s blog – I expect she would appreciate comments.
like those!!
Wow- Fabulous! I love thosexx
Fran, they are fab 🙂 Your designs are great and I loved reading about the process too.