I love our light tree; I bought it last year and it amuses me to hang silly things on something otherwise intended to be ‘terribly tasteful’. I had though, this year, added two ornaments, two lovely birds I bought months ago, in memory of Freddie and that other missing child. Hard to believe only 2/3s of the children I should have are here 🙁
Unfortunately my girls smashed the blue one yesterday, causing much tears and distress from me and perhaps not quite enough apologising from the culprit. I temporarily left home but couldn’t replace it. I’m gutted really. I loved having that matching pair, the simple shape and more than anything I liked that it was just private to me, done without fuss or drama or anyone else knowing really why they were there.
Maddy tried to fix it for me, because Maddy is lovely and hates upset. She did her best.
So the mended one stays for now and along side it the silly shapes, in honour of what Christmas should be about. Smiling.