I’ve going to have a stab at doing a better job of contributing to this soon as I’m not doing very well and I don’t like coasting. I was a bit too off the planet still when it was mooted and it has occurred to me a bit late that I need to read Story of the World with my lot alongside it. I’m going to rectify that this week. In fact, i think I am going to have a diary myself, much like the girls do and schedule what I want to achieve with them into it – I’ve always been a person who achieves more if I set myself more to do and although I have loved my nearly two years off, I don’t know if coasting is helping me now. If I’m not on maternity leave, perhaps it is better to go for broke at being very busy.
The other problem is we often can’t do the whole day due to other commitments but it is too good an opportunity for more group learning and general fun with educational points hung on visual prompts and memories, so we must make sure we do it all as thoroughly as possible. Eventually I’d like to do more grown up history with some of the kids as they get ready for it. This is my subject area and I should be involved – I’m just too scatterbrained still :/
Helen has, thankfully, blogged the day very well so I can just do pictures. (Which are *cough* also mostly stolen from her!)
What was very good about this was, except for me, all of the adults had useful and intelligent stuff to read to the kids as the crafted, so they actually learned something too 😆
I love the last picture and your comment! You are doing an amazing job!
Grin. I errr… use that line rather a lot. Drives me mental the way people talk about home ed children like we lock them in cupboards!
aw, teh poor neglected children!!! WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!