Well, okay, I was supposed to upload a picture of me; but really Josie the Titchy Witch is much more fun to look at anyway and if anyone needs their own laptop in this house, it’s Josie. After all, a girl has Penguins to play with and there is precious little time for doing so if you have to share computers with sisters who want to write novels.
So just for once, I made Josie the star of the show.
I’m a bit worried, she’s clearly been taking tantrum lessons from someone and I can’t imagine who that would be but who ever it was, you can bet they weren’t tired at the end of a showbiz night of partying. I quite like the idea of a daughter up in lights though and Josie, as officially my Mini Me (only smaller and cuter and with a better smile) looks great up there. I can foresee a time where a body double really might be a thing i could enjoy. I could send her in to see the accountant and everything. Not sure if the hat would give it away… I recommend the video making actually, it brought a smile to my face to say the least and for the sake of a single photo and 3 or 4 clicks, why not?
If you’d like to give Josie a chance of a new laptop (by which I actually mean, she might get my lovely old HP laptop while I snaffle the new sparkly one!) then you can send the bit.ly link they give you at the end to me via my contact form or via a direct message at Twitter (I’m MerrilyMe) and I’ll collect them up and submit them. You never know, we might just get something lovely in this house this year after all!
You can make your video over at HP- Be A Star and there is a Facebook page for this bit of technological tomfoolery too at –Facebook HP Be a Star!
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Well, for such a good cause as Josie, I would – but – um – can’t actually work out what to do, as clearly missed the link completely!
Grin – I think you get it once at the end of the video after you’ve made it 🙂
can you pop a link to it on here – as whatever it is, I can’t see it – i just get a black box. thanks!
Well, you can make your own here
I’ll try and facebook it later 🙂 Josie looks too cute not to.
Oh cute! May have to make my youngest a star too 🙂 Btw, happy birthday to Miss Puddle 🙂